MSP No. 5-3805-254
February 1974
The Dump Truck is a 20 ton on-off highway, 71000 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and is to be used for
transporting materials for the construction/rehabilitation of roads, airfields, ports, beach and marine POL facilities world-
The Dump Truck is a 20 ton, 6 x 4, 71000 GVWR on-off highway model with a 12 cubic yard struck (water
level) capacity rear dump body on a conventional. commercial design and heavy duty constructed chassis. The dump
truck will carry a payload of 40000 pounds. It has at GVWR, a geared high speed capability of 40 mph minimum and a
low speed and torque capability to ascend, stop and restart on a 30 percent grade. The dump body is an extra heavy-
duty contractor's type, engine exhaust heated with a diverter valve, double action offset top hinge manual control tailgate,
front telescopic type hoist system, with a hydraulic control lock and manual safety strut, a gear type hydraulic pump and a
25 micron type filter. The front tire and rim assembly differ in size and configuration. Spares (front and rear) are furnished
as Prescribed Load List (PLL) items and as an assembled component.
It will perform:
Short haul dumping cycles on secondary roads of under 3 miles for at least 10 hours without refueling.
Long haul dumping cycles on secondary roads and sustained average high speeds of 40 mph for a
minimum of 200 miles without refueling.
It will provide a balanced axle weight distribution At GVWR without any axle exceeding its rated load or
26,500 pounds, whichever is lower.