Sep `76
Suggestion 726 -D-254
Reasons for Action Taken or Recommended.
a. The suggestion advocated a design change for the sheet metal and reinforcing members on the CCE-IHC
Paystar F5070 20 Ton Dump Truck, 6x4, 71,000 GVWR. This truck is primarily a working tool, the same as a bulldozer.
The surface interior of the truck body (including its cab protector) can be compared to the surface face of the dozer blade,
since both are in contact with abrasive earth and aggregate. Both surfaces become devoid of any paint, both surfaces
become rusty, and both surfaces should be kept clean to the best practicability of using troops. The metal thickness are
sufficient to give a life-time of service without failure due to rusting. The trapped water does not of itself cause rust. It is
the combination of both oxygen and moisture that rusts steel when it is exposed and unable to be protected.
b. The suggestion neglects the fact that with the reinforcement across the cab protector, it did not deform when
loaded with 2200 lbs. of aggregate. The reinforcement adequately tied together the cab protector ends and thus met the
load carrying criteria of 2000 lb. minimum. With the reinforcement longitudinally only, retesting would be required to prove
the adequacy of the redesign. It is conceded that the suggested configuration for the cab protector may be employed on
numerous other commercial dump trucks, however, they may not be as large a cab protector as on the CCE dump truck
and many commercial users do not specify that the cab protector be load bearing. Test data is still the only way to verify
body design and integrity.