Dec 1976
For many years throughout history most armies have transported troops in and on their trucks, cargo, stakes, dumps
and all other body styles that are available.
With the introduction of the CCE-IHC 20 Ton Dump Truck, this method of transporting troops should be either
discontinued or employed only on an emergency basis with extreme caution to avoid injury and criticism. The current
emphasis is on safety. As a result of accidents to civilian personnel in the back of trucks, the local and federal
Governments since 1957 have been enforcing the requirements of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations 398.5,
controlling transportation of passengers in motor vehicles. The Federal Regulations require a specific seat for each
The military design, M -Series, 2 1/2 and 5 Ton trucks are intended for transport of both cargo and personnel. Folding
seats are provided and the tailgate steps facilitate climbing in and out.
The CCE-IHC 20 Ton Dump Truck, just like other commercial dump trucks, is designed and intended for loading, hauling
and dumping of aggregate. These trucks are not suitable for transporting personnel. Except in an extreme emergency,
transporting personnel in a commercial dump truck is an unacceptable hazard because of the following:
a. The rear tandem is too stiff and the rear tire inflation is too high to provide any ride quality; passengers may be
thrown from the dump bed.
b. The inside of the dump bed is smooth insuring ready flow of agqregates; passengers have no handholds to
prevent injuries.
c. Except for one small ladder on the front road side of the bed there is no safe way for personnel to climb into and
out of the 60 inch high dump body.