5. For those users who need a stronger keeper to hold the diverter valve flipper in each position, the following solution is
offered. Leave the existing spring between the handle and its fixed welded bolt on the valve body. Install a new auxiliary
spring (of the screen door type) on the eye of the flipper handle (see Fig. 1). Use an S-clip to secure the eye to the spring
wire. On the free end of the spring, add a heavy duty, spring loaded, alligator, clamp of the type used in electrical work.
An alligator clamp 2 to 4 inches long should do it. The exhaust clamp at the diverter valve stack pipe to muffler junction
makes a good place to anchor the battery clamp. Orient the muffler clamp so that the nuts aim rearward. Fabricate an
auxiliary spring clamp bracket from heavy sheet metal to provide an anchor point for the alligator clamp. Since the
exhaust system is subjected to a lot of vibration, the spring clamp bracket layout should include wings on the sides and a
folded-over, jaw-filler on the bottom to prevent the alligator clamp from sliding off of the bracket. Check the. auxiliary
spring tension in both the "through stack" and "through body" flipper positions. You want somewhere between 10- to 25-
pounds of tension on the spring to hold the flipper valve in its setting. If the spring is too loose, cut off a number of coils
and, with needle nose pliers, form a new loop in the wire.