May 1978
Many users of the CCE-IHC Paystar F5070 Dump Truck are having a time locally going out and purchasing parts for the
truck on local purchase authority. Usually your friendly-lHC truck dealer has a lot of parts for your IHC Paystar F5070
truck. Nevertheless, when he is out-of-stock or has other problems look to your friendly US Army Ordnance dealer and,
then, any and all other truck and heavy equipment dealers to supply your parts. The only major components that are
strictly International Harvester manufactured on your IHC truck are the cab sheet metal and front end grill guard and sheet
metal. In all heavy truck lines (and in some construction equipment lines) most components are purchased. Very few
heavy truck parts are made by the truck manufacturer. This means that the dealers stock and sell these component
replacement parts which are offered by the heavy truck manufacturers. Excluding exceptions you cannot get Ford parts
at your friendly Chevy dealer for passenger cars and light trucks. However, in heavy trucks, your Chevy dealer and all
other dealers have heavy truck parts for each others heavy trucks!
So, regardless of the make and model of your heavy truck, when you cannot get the parts you need from your brand's
dealers go on over to his competitor across the street and pick-up your heavy truck parts. First, do your homework before
you go over, though. While the component manufacturer's part number remains the same for a component, the part
numbers of each particular component will, of courses be totally different from one brand of truck to another, Track down
the component manufacturer's part number so the competitor can find the right part bin under his brand of truck's part
number. Don't assume or trust his cross-index of part numbers, if you need the exact, quality, replacement part.
This same concept also applies to heavy trailers and some items of CCE construction equipment. Scout around and find
out for your vehicles what parts you have and where you can find and get replacements when your vehicle brand's dealer
is temporarily in a bind.