Para 3-14
(7) Coat all exposed (subject to corrosion),
(4) Operate the unit for approximately 5
minutes in neutral at 1500 rpm. Shift the transmission
grease, such as petrolatum (MIL-C-11796) Class 2.
slowly through all selector positions to thoroughly
distribute the oil. Then shift to a forward range and stall
(8) Repeat procedures (5)through (7), above,
the transmission output until an oil temperature of 2250F
at monthly intervals for indefinite storage.
(1070C) is obtained.
d. Storage, 1 Year-Without Oil
Do not allow temperature to exceed 2250F (1070C).
(1) Drain oil as described in paragraph 3-7,
(5) Stop the engine. As soon as the unit is
(2) Seal all openings and breather with
cool enough to touch, seal all openings and breathers
moisture-proof tape.
with moisture-proof tape.
(3) Coat all exposed, unpainted surfaces with
(6) Coat all exposed, unpainted surfaces with
a good grade of preservative grease.
a good grade of preservative grease.
(4) If breather can be easily removed, spray 1
(7) If additional storage time is required,
ounce (29.5 ml) of Motorstor* (or equivalent) into the
repeat (3)through (6) above, at yearly intervals, except it
housing breather hole, and 1 ounce (29. 5 ml) into the fill
is not necessary to drain the transmission each year just
tube hole. If the breather cannot be removed, atomize or
add the Motorstor, or equivalent.
spray 2 ounces (59 ml) of Motorstor (or equivalent) into
the transmission through the fill tube hole.
f. Restoring Units to Service
(5) If additional storage time is required,
(1) If Motorstor, or equivalent, was used in
repeat (3) and (4) above, at yearly intervals.
preparing the transmission for storage, use the following
procedures to restore the unit to service.
e. Storage, 1 Year-With Oil
(2) Remove the tape from openings and
(1) Drain the oil as described in paragraph 3-
7, above. Remove the transmission oil filter element(s).
(3) Wash off all the external grease with
(2) Install the new filter element(s), gasket, oil
pan, and fill tube.
(4) Add Dexron automatic transmission fluid to
(3) Fill the transmission to operating levelwith
proper level.
a 3 percent mixture of Dexron transmission fluid and
Motorstor (30 parts Dexron oil to 1 part Motorstor
preservative, or equivalent).
It is not necessary to drain oil and Motorstor mixture from
the transmission.
Daubert Chemical Company, Chicago, Illinois. Motorstor
(5) If Motorstor, or equivalent, was not used in
(under the designation of "Nucle OIL") is covered by US
preparing the transmission for storage, use the following
Military Specifications MIL-L-46002 (ORD) and MIL-I-
procedures to restore the unit to service.
23310 (WEP).
(6) Remove the tape from openings and