TM 5-3805-254-20-2BRAKE TREADLE VALVE AND RIGHT MANIFOLD HOSES - CONTINUEDACTIONLOCATION ITEMREMARKSCLEANINGWARNINGDrycleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Wear protective safety goggles and gloves and useonly in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes and do not breathe vapors. Donot use near open flame or excessive heat. The flashpoint for type #1 drycleaning solvent is 100°F (38°C)and for type #2 is 138°F (59°C). If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh airimmediately, and get medical aid. If contact with eyes is made, flush your eyes with water and get medicalaid immediately.NOTEFor more information on how to clean parts, go to General Maintenance Instructions (page 2-424).34.Four airhosesClean using liquid detergent and wiping rag.35.All metal partsClean using drycleaning solvent and wipingrag.INSPECTION/REPLACEMENTNOTEReplace all damaged or defective parts.For more information on how to inspect parts, go to General Maintenance Instructions (page 2-424).36.Four airhosesa.Check for cracks, breaks, chafing, orhardness.b.Look for excessive rust or corrosion.37.All threaded partsLook for damaged threads or roundedheads.2-1056
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