TM 5-3805-254-34
1-23. TRANSMISSION (Cont).
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, is toxic and flammable. Always wear protective goggles and
gloves, and use only In a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes, and DO
NOT breathe vapors. DO NOT use near open flame or excessive heat. The solvents flash point is
1000F-138°F (38OC-59°C). If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh
air and medical help. If solvent contacts eyes, Immediately wash your eyes and get medical aid.
Compressed air used for cleaning or drying purposes, or for clearing restrictions, should never
exceed 30 psi (207 kPa). Wear protective clothing (goggles/shield, gloves, etc.) and use caution to
avoid injury to personnel.
Clean oil passages by working a piece of soft wire through the passages and flushing with dry cleaning
solvent (Item 23, Appendix B). Dry passages with compressed air.
Inspect parts, especially oil passages, after cleaning to ensure they are clean. Clean again if necessary.
Follow these INSPECTION instructions when repairing transmission: (1) Inspect surfaces in contact with gaskets
or seals for nicks, burrs, or scratches. Remove any defects before assembly.
After cleaning, oil bearings with thin coat of hydraulic fluid (Item 7, Appendix B) to prevent corrosion.
Inspect bores for wear, scratches, grooves, burrs, and dirt. Remove scratches and burrs with crocus cloth,
then clean thoroughly. Clean dirt and foreign matter from parts. Replace parts that are deeply scratched or grooved.
Inspect housings and other cast parts for cracks. Replace parts that are cracked.
Inspect machined surfaces for damage that may cause malfunction or oil leakage. Replace damaged parts.
Inspect gears for worn or broken teeth. Replace damaged gears.
Inspect face of gears for scoring or burrs. Remove defects with soft stone, then clean thoroughly. If scoring
or burrs cannot be removed with soft stone, replace gear.
Inspect splined parts for chipped or burred splines. Remove burrs with soft stone, then clean thoroughly.
Spline wear is not considered cause for part replacement.
Inspect retaining rings for distortion and looseness. Retaining ring must snap tightly into groove.
Replace retaining ring if damaged.
Inspect for broken, deformed, or worn springs. Replace spring if damaged.
Inspect clutch disks (internal splined) for burrs, embedded metal particles, loose or missing facings,
excessive wear, cracks, distortion, and damaged spline teeth. Replace clutch disks if damaged.
Inspect clutch plates (external splined) for burrs, scoring, excessive wear, distortion, cracks, and damaged
spline teeth. Replace clutch plates if damaged.
Inspect surface of parts contacted by hook-type and step-joint seal rings for wear, scratches, and scoring.
Remove only raised metal portion of defect with soft stone or crocus cloth (item 5, Appendix B), then clean thoroughly.
Polishing to remove defect is not necessary or desirable. If defect permits oil leakage, replace defective part.
Inspect surface of parts contacted by spring-loaded, lip-type oil seals for scratches, roughness, embedded
dirt, and wear. Remove defects and restore finish with crocus cloth, then clean thoroughly. If defect permits oil leakage,
replace defective part.
1-11/(1-12 Blank)