CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMSLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS - ContinuedEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 2. M917A1 with MCS and M917A2 with MCS.Figure 3. Driver's Side Front of Dump Truck.Figure 4. Passenger's Side Rear of Dump Truck.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELSTable 3. Equipment Data.Table 3. Equipment Data - Continued.Table 3. Equipment Data - Continued.THEORY OF OPERATIONFigure 1. Tailgate Components: M917A1 and M917A2.Figure 2. Tailgate Components: M917A1 and M917A2 with MCS.HYDRAULIC SYSTEMFigure 3. Hydraulic System.CHAPTER 2 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1. Console.Figure 2. Dashboard and Instrument Cluster.Figure 3. Hydraulics.Figure 4. Cargo Cover and Transport Lock.Figure 5. Material Control System.OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSLOADING DUMP BODYDUMPING LOADFigure 1. Securing Mud Flaps.DUMPING LOAD - ContinuedFigure 2. Dashboard Controls and Indicators.DUMPING LOAD - ContinuedDUMPING LOAD - ContinuedFigure 3. Hydraulic Control Lever and Body Up Indicator Light.Figure 4. Hydraulic Control Lever and Dashboard Controls and Indicators.Figure 5. Releasing Mud Flaps.Figure 6. Tailgate Opening Adjustment.ADJUSTING MCS GATE OPENINGS (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 7. MCS Gate Opening Adjustment.CONTROLLED SPREADING (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)CONTROLLED SPREADING (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedFigure 8. Controlled Spreading.OPERATING CARGO COVERFigure 9. Uncovering Load.Figure 10. Crank and Cargo Cover Components.Figure 11. Covering Load.OPERATING BODY PROPSOPERATING BODY PROPS - ContinuedFigure 12. Body Prop Operation.OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSOPERATION IN COLD WEATHERDECALS, INSTRUCTION PLATES, AND STENCILSFigure 1. Driver's Side Decals.Figure 3. Top Driver's Side Cab Corner Decals.Figure 4. Hydraulic Oil Tank Decal.Figure 6. Reverse Alarm Decal.Figure 7. Dashboard Decals.CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedDUMP BODY TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESDUMP BODYMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) GATE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESMCS GATEMCS GATE - ContinuedMCS GATE - ContinuedMCS GATE - ContinuedMCS GATE - ContinuedMCS GATE - ContinuedTAILGATE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESCHAPTER 4 FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedDUMP BODY TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESDUMP BODY MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) GATE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESMCS GATEMCS GATE - ContinuedMCS GATE - ContinuedTAILGATE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESCHAPTER 5 OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INSTRUCTIONSOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTIONGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURESLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)Leakage Definitions for PMCSOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS INTSRUCTIONSTable 1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)Figure 1. Dump Body Controls and Indicators.Figure 2. Dashboard and Instrument Cluster Controls and Indicators.Figure 3. Front and Driver's Side.Figure 5. Cargo Cover.Figure 6. Rear and Passenger's Side.Figure 8. Hydraulic Reservoir.Figure 9. Filter Service Indicator Gauge.Figure 10. MCS Tailgate.Figure 11. MCS Control Unit.Figure 12. MCS Tailgate Components.Figure 13. Tailgate Cable Pull.Figure 14. Hydraulic System.Figure 15. Body Props.Figure 17. Transport Lock.Figure 19. Tailgate Hinge Pins.Mandatory Replacement PartsCHAPTER 6 FIELD PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INSTRUCTIONSFIELD PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTION, INCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURESGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES - ContinuedCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC) - ContinuedFIELD PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for M917A1, M917A1 with Material Control System (MCS), M917A2, and M917A2 with MCSTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for M917A1, M917A1 with Material Control System (MCS), M917A2, and M917A2 with MCS - ContinuedFigure 1. Cargo Cover Roller Shaft Bearings and Brackets.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for M917A1, M917A1 with Material Control System (MCS), M917A2, and M917A2 with MCS - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for M917A1, M917A1 with Material Control System (MCS), M917A2, and M917A2 with MCS - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for M917A1, M917A1 with Material Control System (MCS), M917A2, and M917A2 with MCS - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Oil Reservoir.CHAPTER 7 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOPERATOR MAINTENANCE - LUBRICATIONOPERATOR MAINTENANCE - CLEANINGCHAPTER 8 FIELD MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSERVICE UPON RECEIPTSERVICING INSTRUCTIONSMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) REMOTE CONTROL REPAIR (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 2. MCS Control Box Cover Disassembly.Figure 4. MCS Control Box Cable Disassembly.Figure 5. MCS Control Box Cable Assembly.Figure 7. MCS Control Box Cover Assembly.Figure 8. MCS Remote Control Plug Assembly.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) CONTROL UNIT MAINTENANCE (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 1. MCS Control Unit Removal.Figure 2. MCS Control Unit.Figure 3. MCS Control Unit Installation.Figure 1. MCS Rear Panel Removal.Figure 2. MCS Switch Removal.Figure 3. MCS Switch Installation.Figure 4. MCS Rear Panel Installation.TAILLIGHT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Taillight Replacement.MARKER CLEARANCE LIGHT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Marker Clearance Light Replacement.REFLECTOR REPLACEMENTBODY UP SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Body Up Switch Replacement.BODY UP SWITCH REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTRANSPORT LOCK SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Transport Lock Switch Removal.Figure 2. Transport Lock Switch Installation.BEACON WARNING LIGHT WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Beacon Warning Light Hardware Removal.Figure 2. Beacon Warning Light Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 3. Beacon Warning Light Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 4. Beacon Warning Light Hardware Installation.LIGHTS WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCELIGHTS WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Lights Wiring Harness.TRUCKTOMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 1. TrucktoMCS Tailgate Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 3. Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 4. Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 6. TrucktoMCS Tailgate Wiring Harness Installation.TRUCKTOMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 2. Wiring Harness Removal from Solenoid.Figure 3. Tailgate Hardware Removal.Figure 4. Tailgate Hardware Installation.Figure 5. Connections at Solenoid.Figure 6. Wiring Harness Installation.BODY UP AND TRANSPORT LOCK SWITCHES WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCEBODY UP AND TRANSPORT LOCK SWITCHES WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Transport Lock Switch Connector and Wiring Harness.CYLINDER SUPPORT FRAME REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cylinder Support Frame Removal.Figure 2. Cylinder Support Frame Installation.CYLINDER SUPPORT FRAME REPLACEMENT - ContinuedDUMP BODY AND STABILIZER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Angle Bracket Hardware Removal.Figure 2. Securing Stabilizer.Figure 3. Mounting Bracket Removal.Figure 4. Hinge Pin Removal.DUMP BODY AND STABILIZER REPLACEMENTDUMP BODY AND STABILIZER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Stabilizer Up.Figure 6. Hinge Pin Installation.Figure 7. Stabilizer Down.Figure 9. Mounting Bracket Installation.DUMP BODY AND STABILIZER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedBODY PROP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Body Prop Replacement.CAB SHIELD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cab Shield Removal.Figure 2. Cab Shield Installation.CAB SHIELD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedMUD FLAP REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Mud Flap Hardware Removal.Figure 3. Mud Flap Hardware Installation.Figure 4. Mud Flap Installation.TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 AND M917A2)TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 AND M917A2) - ContinuedFigure 1. Tailgate Replacement.TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 AND M917A2) - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedFigure 1. MCS Tailgate Removal.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedFigure 2. MCS Tailgate Installation.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE COVER REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE COVER REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedFigure 1. MCS Tailgate Cover Replacement.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) GATE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 1. MCS Gate Removal.Figure 2. MCS Gate Installation.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) ADJUSTMENT TUBE REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 1. Adjustment Tube Removal.Figure 2. Adjustment Tube Installation.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedFigure 1. MCS Air Reservoir Replacement.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedTAILGATE RELEASE MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Tailgate Air Fittings Replacement.TAILGATE RELEASE MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTAILGATE RELEASE AIR CYLINDER REPLACEMENTTAILGATE RELEASE AIR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Tailgate Release Air Cylinder Replacement.TAILGATE RELEASE AIR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 1. Solenoid Connection Removal.Figure 2. Air Cylinder Replacement.Figure 3. Solenoid Connection Installation.MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS) - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR CYLINDER SOLENOID ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (M917A1 WITH MCS AND M917A2 WITH MCS)Figure 1. Solenoid Removal.Figure 2. Valve Body Elbow and Filters Disassembly.Figure 3. Valve Body Fittings and Solenoid Disassembly.Figure 4. Valve Body Filter and Components Disassembly.Figure 5. Valve Body End Cap and Valve Disassembly.Figure 6. Valve Body End Cap and Valve Assembly.Figure 7. Valve Body Filter and Components Assembly.Figure 8. Valve Body Fittings and Solenoid Assembly.Figure 9. Valve Body Elbow and Filters Assembly.Figure 10. Solenoid Installation.TAILGATE RELEASE/MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) AIR CYLINDER REPAIRFigure 1. MCS Air Cylinder.Figure 2. Cylinder Components.Figure 3. Cylinder Piston.Figure 4. Cylinder Piston Assembly.Figure 5. Cylinder Component Assembly.Figure 6. MCS Air Cylinder Assembly.CARGO COVER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Cargo Cover.Figure 3. Cargo Cover Installation.CARGO COVER REPAIRCARGO COVER CRANK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECARGO COVER CRANK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Cargo Cover Crank.CARGO COVER CRANK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedCARGO COVER CHAIN AND SPROCKETS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cover Removal.Figure 2. Crank Hardware Removal.Figure 3. Chain and Sprocket Removal.Figure 4. Chain and Sprocket Installation.Figure 5. Crank Hardware Installation.Figure 6. Cover Installation.CARGO COVER SUPPORT FRAME AND ROLL-UP BAR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Roll-Up Bar Spring Removal.Figure 2. Roll-Up Bar Removal.Figure 3. Roll-Up Bar Installation.Figure 4. Roll-Up Bar Spring Installation.CARGO COVER SUPPORT FRAME AND ROLL-UP BAR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSHOVEL BRACKET REPLACEMENTDATA PLATE REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC PUMP REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Pump Removal.HYDRAULIC PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Pump Installation.HYDRAULIC PUMP REPAIRFigure 1. Drive Shaft Retaining Ring Removal.Figure 4. Check Assemblies and Roller Bearings Removal.Figure 6. Hydraulic Pump Disassembly.Figure 7. Check Assemblies and Roller Bearings Installation.Figure 9. Gear Housing and Drive Shaft Installation.Figure 11. Drive Shaft Retaining Ring Installation.HYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rear Access Panel Removal.Figure 2. Connector Removal.Figure 3. Transmission Shift Cable and Components Removal.Figure 4. Transfer Case Shift Cable and Components Removal.Figure 5. Hydraulic Control Cable and Components Removal.Figure 6. Handle Assemblies Removal.Figure 7. Hydraulic Control Lever Removal.Figure 8. Hydraulic Control Lever Installation.Figure 9. Handle Assemblies Installation.Figure 10. Hydraulic Control Cable and Components Installation.Figure 11. Transfer Case Shift Cable and Components Installation.Figure 12. Transmission Shift Cable and Components Installation.Figure 13. Connector Installation.Figure 14. Rear Access Panel Installation.HYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVER CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Shift Tower Cover Removal.Figure 2. Transmission Shift Cable Disconnection.Figure 3. Transfer Case Shift Cable Disconnection.Figure 4. Hydraulic Control Lever Cable Disconnection.Figure 5. Shift Tower Removal.Figure 6. Hardware Removal.Figure 7. Hardware Installation.Figure 8. Shift Tower Installation.Figure 9. Hydraulic Control Lever Cable Connection.Figure 10. Transfer Case Shift Cable Connection.Figure 11. Transmission Shift Cable Connection.Figure 12. Shift Tower Cover Installation.HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER ELEMENT REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC OIL FILTER ELEMENT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Element Replacement.HYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings Removal.HYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings Installation.HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPLACEMENT HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Cylinder Removal.HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Cylinder Installation.HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPAIRFigure 1. Retaining Ring Removal.Figure 3. Spiral Retaining Ring Removal.Figure 4. Guide Ring Removal.Figure 5. Bottom Retaining Ring Removal.Figure 8. Wiper Component Removal.Figure 10. Bottom Guide Ring Removal.Figure 12. Wear Ring and Piston Ring Removal From Sleeve.Figure 14. Wiper, Wiper Retainer, and Seal Removal.Figure 15. Spiral Retaining Ring Removal.Figure 18. Wear Ring and Piston Ring Removal.Figure 19. Bushing Removal.Figure 20. Bushing Installation.Figure 23. Ring, Seal, and Wiper Installation.Figure 24. Wear Ring and Piston Ring Installation.Figure 26. Ring, Seal, and Wiper Installation.Figure 27. Piston Ring and Wear Ring Installation.Figure 29. Ring, Seal, and Wiper Installation.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Reservoir Removal.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Reservoir Installation.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPAIRHYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Reservoir Disassembly.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Reservoir Assembly.HYDRAULIC OIL SERVICE INDICATOR GAUGE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Service Indicator Gauge Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Oil Filter Service Indicator Gauge Installation.SPILL SHIELD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Spill Shield Replacement.PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTPREPARATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGECARE OF EQUIPMENT IN ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGEPROCEDURES FOR COMMON COMPONENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMSPREPARATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR SHIPMENTGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCLEANING INSTRUCTIONSCLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedINSPECTION INSTRUCTIONSAPPLICATION OF ADHESIVESSTANDARD TOOL REQUIREMENTSELECTRICAL GROUND POINTSANTISEIZING TAPEFigure 1. Antiseizing Tape.Figure 3. Tubes and Compression Fittings.ELECTRICAL REPAIRLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSSPECIFIC LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATION CHARTLUBRICATION CHART - ContinuedFigure 1. View A: Transport Lock Linkage.Figure 4. View D: Cargo Cover.Figure 6. View F: Tailgate Locking Linkage.Figure 7. View G: Body Props.SPECIFIC LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS INTRODUCTIONTable 1. Manufactured Items Part Number Cross-Reference Index ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSFigure 1. Hydraulic Cylinder Disassembly Tool.TORQUE LIMITSFigure 3. Measuring Screw.Figure 4. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners.Figure 5. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners.Figure 6. Torque Limits for Dry Metric Fasteners.Figure 7. Torque Limits for Wet Metric Fasteners.Figure 8. Measurement of Torque Wrench.WIRING DIAGRAMSFigure 1. Power Take Off (PTO) Lockout Diagram.Figure 2. Material Control System (MCS) Diagram.Figure 4. Beacon Warning Light Diagram.Figure 5. Dump Body Taillights and Marker Clearance Lights Diagram.CHAPTER 9 PARTS INFORMATIONREPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LIST AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGESMaintenance Code.Recoverability Code.EXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNSSPECIAL INFORMATIONHOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSREMOTE CONTROL, MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 1. Remote Control, Material Control System (MCS).Figure 1. Remote Control, Material Control System (MCS). - ContinuedCONTROL UNIT, MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 2. Control Unit, Material Control System (MCS).Figure 2. Control Unit, Material Control System (MCS). - ContinuedTAILLIGHTS, MARKER CLEARANCE LIGHTS, AND REFLECTORSFigure 3. Taillights, Marker Clearance Lights, and Reflectors.Figure 3. Taillights, Marker Clearance Lights, and Reflectors. - ContinuedBODY UP AND TRANSPORT LOCK SWITCHESFigure 4. Body Up and Transport Lock Switches.Figure 4. Body Up and Transport Lock Switches. - ContinuedFigure 4. Body Up and Transport Lock Switches.Figure 5. Wiring Harness, Beacon Light.Figure 5. Wiring Harness, Beacon Light. - ContinuedWIRING HARNESS, DUMP BODY LIGHTSFigure 6. Wiring Harness, Dump Body Lights.Figure 6. Wiring Harness, Dump Body Lights. - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) GATE WIRING HARNESS AND MCS POWER WIRING HARNESSFigure 7. Material Control System (MCS) Gate Wiring Harness and MCS Power Wiring Harness. Figure 7. Material Control System (MCS) Gate Wiring Harness and MCS Power Wiring Harness. - ContinuedFigure 7. Material Control System (MCS) Gate Wiring Harness and MCS Power Wiring Harness. - ContinuedBODY UP/TRANSPORT LOCK SWITCH WIRING HARNESS AND MATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) CHASSIS WIRING HARNESSFigure 8. Body Up/Transport Lock Switch Wiring Harness and Material Control System (MCS) Chassis Wiring Harness.Figure 8. Body Up/Transport Lock Switch Wiring Harness and Material Control System (MCS) Chassis Wiring Harness. - ContinuedCYLINDER SUPPORT FRAME AND BRACKETSFigure 9. Cylinder Support Frame and Brackets.Figure 9. Cylinder Support Frame and Brackets. - ContinuedSTABILIZER AND REAR HINGEFigure 10. Stabilizer and Rear Hinge.Figure 10. Stabilizer and Rear Hinge. - ContinuedDUMP BODY ASSEMBLYFigure 11. Dump Body Assembly. Figure 11. Dump Body Assembly. - ContinuedMATERIAL CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS) TAILGATE ASSEMBLYFigure 12. Material Control System (MCS) Tailgate Assembly.Figure 12. Material Control System (MCS) Tailgate Assembly. - ContinuedAIR TANK, LINES, AND FITTINGSFigure 13. Air Tank, Lines, and Fittings.Figure 13. Air Tank, Lines, and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 13. Air Tank, Lines, and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 13. Air Tank, Lines, and Fittings. - ContinuedAIR CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 14. Air Cylinder Assembly.Figure 14. Air Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 14. Air Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 15. Cargo Cover and Component Parts (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 15. Cargo Cover and Component Parts (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 15. Cargo Cover and Component Parts - ContinuedFigure 15. Cargo Cover and Component Parts - ContinuedSHOVEL MOUNTINGFigure 16. Shovel Mounting.Figure 16. Shovel Mounting. - ContinuedDECALS, INSTRUCTION PLATES, AND STENCILSFigure 17. Decals, Instruction Plates, and Stencils.Figure 17. Decals, Instruction Plates, and Stencils. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC PUMP ASSEMBLYFigure 18. Hydraulic Pump Assembly.Figure 18. Hydraulic Pump Assembly. - ContinuedDUMP CONTROL AND CABLEFigure 19. Dump Control and Cable.Figure 19. Dump Control and Cable. - ContinuedFILTER ELEMENT, HYDRAULICFigure 20. Filter Element, Hydraulic.Figure 20. Filter Element, Hydraulic. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGSFigure 21. Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings.Figure 21. Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings. - ContinuedCYLINDER ASSEMBLY, HOISTFigure 22. Cylinder Assembly, Hoist.Figure 22. Cylinder Assembly, Hoist. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC RESERVOIR ASSEMBLYFigure 23. Hydraulic Reservoir Assembly. Figure 23. Hydraulic Reservoir Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 23. Hydraulic Reservoir Assembly. - ContinuedSPILL SHIELDFigure 24. Spill Shield.Figure 24. Spill Shield. - ContinuedBULK MATERIALFigure BULK. Bulk Material.Figure BULK. Bulk Material. - ContinuedREPAIR PART KITSFigure KITS. Repair Part Kits.Figure KITS. Repair Part Kits. - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEXPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESTECHNICAL MANUALSOTHER PUBLICATIONSMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMaintenance FunctionsExplanation of Columns in the MACExplanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment RequirementsMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Dump BodyTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Dump Body - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Dump Body - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Dump Body - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Dump Body - ContinuedTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment Requirements for Dump Body.COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSTable 1. Basic Issue Items (BII).Table 1. Basic Issue Items (BII) - ContinuedADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL)EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST (EDIL)Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List.Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - ContinuedTOOL IDENTIFICATION LISTTable 1. Tool Identification ListMANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List.