TM 5-3805-274-10
Section I. GENERAL
This manual is for your use in operating and maintaining the M917 Dump Truck Body. Refer to the Operators Manual (TM
9-2320-273-10) for instructions on operating and maintaining the vehicle chassis.
Maintenance Forms and Records.
Equipment maintenance forms and procedures for their use are contained in DA Pam 738-750, The Army Maintenance
Management System (TAMMS).
Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR).
EIRs will be prepared on SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Instructions for preparing EIRs are provided in DA Pam 738-
750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). EIRs should be mailed directly to: Commander, U.S. Army
Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-MP, Warren, Ml 48397-5000. A reply will be furnished to you.
Features and Capabilities. The M917 dump truck body provides the capability of hauling and dumping, or
spreading heavy loads of hot asphalt, aggregate, dirt, and similar materials. The M917 vehicle chassis has off-road
capabilities therefore providing a wide variety of terrain in which the dump truck can operate. The dump body contains a
sealed hydraulic system for raising and lowering the dump bed. The hydraulic system is powered by the vehicle chassis
PTO unit. The tailgate can be adjusted for dumping the load or for controlled spreading while the vehicle is moving.
Major Components. Figure 1-1 shows the location of major dump truck body components you will need to
become familiar with to properly operate the M917 dump body.
Guide rod. This steel rod, bolted to the cab protector, provides the operator a visual indication of when the
bed is down.
Dump bed. This is a rectangular shaped steel bed for hauling hot asphalt, aggregate, or various other
materials. It incorporates a cab protector as a structurally integral component. Its purpose is to protect the cab. A dog
house is provided in the front of the bed in which the top of the hoist cylinder is mounted.
Tarpaulin hooks. There are fourteen hooks attached to the dump body for attaching the tarpaulin, five on
each side, two in front and two in the back.
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