CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYGENERAL INFORMATIONCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)NOMENCLATURE CROSS REFERENCE LISTARMY PETROLEUM, OIL, AND LUBRICANTS (POL)EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAHYDRAULIC RESERVOIRFigure 1. Major Components of Dump Body.EQUIPMENT DATAFigure 2. Instructions and Data Plates.THEORY OF OPERATIONHYDRAULIC SYSTEMFigure 1. Simplified Functional Diagram of Dump Body Hydraulic System.TABULATED DATATABULATED DATA - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSPREPARING TO LOAD DUMP TRUCKFigure 3. Tailgate Top Latch.Figure 5. Hydraulic Control Lever.LOADING DUMP TRUCKFigure 2. Tarpaulin Stowage Box Door Cover.TRANSPORTING DUMP TRUCKDUMPING DUMP TRUCKFigure 2. Bottom Latch of Tailgate in Open Position.Figure 3. Bottom Pin Jaws in Open Position.Figure 4. Hydraulic Control Lever.Figure 5. Safety Strut.Figure 1. Mud Flaps Stowed During Dump Operation.Figure 2. Tailgate Chain Adjustment.Figure 4. T-Handle Control Lever.Figure 5. Locking Jaws.HAULING LONG MATERIALSFigure 2. Lowering Tailgate for Hauling Long Material.Figure 3. Tailgate Top Hinge Pins.STOWING TARPAULINFigure 3. Storing Tarpaulin in Stowage Box.OPERATION IN WINDY WEATHEROPERATION IN COLD, RAINY, OR SNOWY WEATHERCHAPTER 3 TROUBLESHOOTING MASTER INDEX FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYTROUBLESHOOTING MASTER INDEXCHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESELECTRICAL SYSTEMDUMP BODYFIELD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYSERVICE UPON RECEIPTINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONPURPOSE OF PMCS TABLESPECIAL INSTRUCTIONSOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Figure 1. Cargo Body, Cab Protector, and Tailgate.Figure 3. Clearance Lamps and Marker Lamps.Figure 5. Jaws, Lock Mechanism, and Hinge Pins.Figure 6. Adjustment Chains and Chain Guides.Figure 8. Hydraulic Lines and Hoses.Figure 10. Pilot Relief Valve.Figure 13. Control Valve.Figure 15. Hydraulic Filter and Service Indication Gauge.Figure 16. Hydraulic Reservoir, Connectors, and Breather Cap.Figure 18. Hydraulic Control Valve.Figure 20. Tarpaulin Cover.FIELD PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONSFIELD PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Figure 1. Side Marker Lights and Rear Marker Lights.Figure 3. Reservoir Breather Cap.Figure 5. Hydraulic Lines, Fittings, and Hoses.Figure 7. Dump Body.Figure 8. Wiring and Connectors.Figure 9. Tarpaulin Cover, Tie Straps, and Eyelets.Figure 10. Subframe and Hinge Support Brackets.UPPER REAR MARKER LAMP ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Upper Rear Marker Lamp Assembly Removal and Installation.SIDE MARKER LAMP ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Side Marker Lamp Assembly Removal and Installation.LOWER REAR MARKER LAMP ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Lower Rear Marker Lamp Assembly Removal and Installation.REFLECTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Reflector Light Removal and Installation.WIRING HARNESS AND CONNECTORS REPLACEMENTWIRING HARNESS AND CONNECTORS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Wiring Harness and Connectors Removal and Installation.MUD FLAP, PLATE, AND REINFORCEMENTS REPLACEMENTMUD FLAP, PLATE, AND REINFORCEMENTS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Mud Flap Removal and Installation.DUMP BED REPLACEMENTDUMP BED REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Dump Body Bed Removal and Installation.SUBFRAME REPLACEMENTSUBFRAME REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Subframe Removal and Installation.DUMP BED TAILGATE REPLACEMENTDUMP BED TAILGATE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Dump Bed Tailgate Removal and Installation.TARPAULIN TUBE, DOOR, HINGE, AND SPRING FASTENER REPLACEMENTTARPAULIN TUBE, DOOR, HINGE, AND SPRING FASTENER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Tarpaulin Tube, Door, Hinge, and Spring Fastener Removal.TARPAULIN TUBE, DOOR, HINGE, AND SPRING FASTENER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Tarpaulin Tube, Door, Hinge, and Spring Fastener Installation.TESTING HYDRAULIC PUMP, CONTROL VALVE, AND PILOT RELIEF VALVEFigure 1. Test Hydraulic Pump.Figure 2. Control Valve Test Gauge Setup.Figure 3. Pilot Valve Adjustment.HYDRAULIC PUMP REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Pump Removal and Installation.HYDRAULIC PUMP REPAIRHYDRAULIC PUMP REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Pump Disassembly.HYDRAULIC PUMP REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Pump Assembly.HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Control Valve Removal and Installation.HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE REPAIRHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 1. Control Valve Disassembly.HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 2. Control Valve Assembly.PILOT RELIEF VALVE REPLACEMENTPILOT RELIEF VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Pilot Relief Valve Hoses and Fittings Removal and Installation.PILOT RELIEF VALVE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Pilot Relief Valve Disassembly and Assembly.CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY AND CABLE REPLACEMENTCONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY AND CABLE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Control Lever Assembly and Control Cable Removal.CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY AND CABLE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Control Lever Assembly and Control Cable Installation.HYDRAULIC LINES, FITTINGS, AND HOSES REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC LINES, FITTINGS, AND HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Type I and Type II Hydraulic Lines, Fittings, and Hoses Removal and Installation.HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS REPAIRHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Hose Disassembly and Assembly.FILTER SERVICE INDICATION GAUGE, RELIEF VALVE, AND FILTER ELEMENT SERVICEFILTER SERVICE INDICATION GAUGE, RELIEF VALVE, AND FILTER ELEMENT SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 1. Filter Service Indication Gauge, Relief Valve, and Filter Element Removal.FILTER SERVICE INDICATION GAUGE, RELIEF VALVE, AND FILTER ELEMENT SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 2. Filter Service Indication Gauge, Relief Valve, and Filter Element Installation.FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Filter Assembly Removal and Installation.HOIST CYLINDER AUTOMATIC BLEEDER VALVE REPLACEMENTHOIST CYLINDER AUTOMATIC BLEEDER VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hoist Cylinder Automatic Bleeder Valve Removal and Installation.HOIST CYLINDER REPLACEMENTHOIST CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Access Covers and Hoist Cylinder Pin Removal.HOIST CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 6. Access Covers and Hoist Cylinder Pin Installation.HYDRAULIC/TELESCOPIC PACKING NUT ADJUSTMENTHYDRAULIC/TELESCOPIC PACKING NUT ADJUSTMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Packing Nut Adjustment.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Reservoir Removal and Installation.DUMP BODY REPAIRLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODY - ContinuedLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODY - ContinuedFigure 1. Locator View.Figure 3. Cylinder Bottom Pin Eye.Figure 6. Tailgate Control Linkage.Figure 8. Tailgate Bottom Latch.Figure 10. Safety Strut Hinges.ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSFigure 1. Hose Assemblies.Figure 2. Hose Couplings.Figure 3. Electrical Wires Fabricated from Fruehauf Stk 14372.Table 5. Bulk Items.TORQUE LIMITSFigure 3. Measuring Screw.Table 1. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners.Table 2. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners.Table 3. Torque Limits for Dry Metric Fasteners.Table 4. Torque Limits for Wet Metric Fasteners.Figure 4. Measurement of Torque Wrench.CHAPTER 6 REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYREPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) INTRODUCTIONSource Code.Maintenance Code.Recoverability Code.EXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNSSPECIAL INFORMATIONLAMPSFigure 1. Lamps.Figure 1. Lamps. - ContinuedWIRING HARNESSFigure 2. Wiring Harness.Figure 2. Wiring Harness. - ContinuedFigure 3. Dump Body (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 3. Dump Body (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 3. Dump Body - ContinuedFigure 3. Dump Body - ContinuedTARPAULIN COVERFigure 4. Tarpaulin Cover.Figure 4. Tarpaulin Cover. - ContinuedMUD FLAP AND TARPAULIN STORAGEFigure 5. Mud Flap and Tarpaulin Storage.Figure 5. Mud Flap and Tarpaulin Storage. - ContinuedFigure 5. Mud Flap and Tarpaulin Storage. - ContinuedREFLECTORSFigure 6. Reflectors.Figure 6. Reflectors. - ContinuedDECALSFigure 7. Decals.Figure 7. Decals. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC PUMPFigure 8. Hydraulic Pump.Figure 8. Hydraulic Pump. - ContinuedFigure 8. Hydraulic Pump. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVEFigure 9. Hydraulic Control Valve.Figure 9. Hydraulic Control Valve. - ContinuedFigure 9. Hydraulic Control Valve. - ContinuedFigure 9. Hydraulic Control Valve. - ContinuedPILOT VALVEFigure 10. Pilot Valve.Figure 10. Pilot Valve. - ContinuedCONTROL ASSEMBLYFigure 11. Control Assembly.Figure 11. Control Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 12. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 12. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 12. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings - ContinuedFigure 12. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings - ContinuedFigure 12. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings - ContinuedHYDRAULIC OIL FILTERFigure 13. Hydraulic Oil Filter.Figure 13. Hydraulic Oil Filter. - ContinuedFigure 13. Hydraulic Oil Filter. - ContinuedTELESCOPIC CYLINDERFigure 14. Telescopic Cylinder (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 14. Telescopic Cylinder (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 14. Telescopic Cylinder (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 14. Telescopic Cylinder - ContinuedFigure 14. Telescopic Cylinder - ContinuedHYDRAULIC RESERVOIRFigure 15. Hydraulic Reservoir.Figure 15. Hydraulic Reservoir. - ContinuedKITSFigure KITS.Figure KITS. - ContinuedFigure KITS. - ContinuedBULKFigure BULK.Figure BULK. - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR M917 DUMP TRUCK BODYREFERENCESMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMaintenance FunctionsExplanation of Columns in the MACExplanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment RequirementsMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Table 1. Maintenance Allocation ChartTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment.COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSTable 1. Integral Components of End Item.ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL)EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST