E very effort has been made to assure that your
stop and go service, more frequent inspections should
new vehicle has been engineered and manufactured to
be scheduled.
provide continued trouble-free service.
selected to manufacture the many parts which make up
the vehicle exhaustive test and research to make certain
wherever it is used. Brake cylinder parts, both air and
that acceptable, safe service life is realized.
hydraulic, should be considered for periodic replacement
based upon the severity and length of service. Usually
There is, however, an area in which the vehicle
careful inspection by experienced mechanics will
owner plays an important part and which determines in a
disclose the need for attention. Some parts, such as air
large measure the extent of continued, safe trouble-free
brake chamber diaphragm, should be inspected once a
service to be realized from the owner's investment in the
year or every 50,000 miles and replaced if considered
vehicle. This has to do with the responsibility which
unserviceable for further use.
rests with the owner in seeing that the vehicle receives
proper care through following the periodic lubricating
STEERING: Check tie-rod and drag-link and clamp
procedures and arranging for regular inspection intervals
bolts. They must be tight. Ask your service mechanic to
to assure that parts that normally deteriorate are
examine the steering mechanism.
replaced or repaired. In addition, it would be good
practice to ask your IH dealer or Service Center to make
Minor adjustments could head off future problems.
an inspection of the running gear of your vehicle at least
once a year. The lubrication intervals present a good
WHEELS, RIMS, TIRES: Check condition of and tighten
opportunity to inspect the vehicle, and we suggest that
wheel and rim mounting bolts and nuts.
the following points be checked at these intervals.
condition of tires. Cut or broken tire casings should be
replaced. Keep tires inflated properly.
to assure that axle mounting U-bolt nuts, body mounting
A good general vehicle check by an experienced
brackets and chassis components (attaching or
serviceman will give you assurance that your vehicle is
mounting bolts and nuts) are securely tightened.
still in a safe condition, ready to work for you.
etc. All joints tight. No leaks in the system.
A Vehicle Certification Label is affixed to all
ELECTRICAL: Loose, weathered, cracked or broken
vehicles in addition to the serial or warranty plate. This
wires replaced to safeguard against breakdown on the
label certifies that the vehicle conforms to all applicable
road or possible shorts.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in effect at the
date of manufacture. Do not remove or deface this
PIPES, HOSES: Leakage, air, water or hydraulic lines.
label. The label contains the Certified Gross Vehicle
Check pipes and hose routing. They should not be
Weight Rating (GVWR) and Gross Axle Weight Rating
pushed over against hot exhaust pipes or near the
(GAWR). The GVWR means the maximum design
exhaust. Replace cracked, weathered or deteriorated
weight of the vehicle including the vehicle itself and
everything that is loaded into or onto the single vehicle.
The GAWR is the maximum weight that any one axle
LINKAGES: Transmission and brake rods, clevis pins
can carry. Note that the sum of the axle GAWR's may
and lock pins should be in good repair and secure.
be greater than the GVWR, so that it is not necessarily
proper to load both axles at the same time to the
maximum capacity shown for each. The maximum
Brake linkages,
GVWR should never be exceeded.
controls and the condition of brake linings should be part
of the periodic inspections.
The GAWR is the maximum weight measured at
the ground permissible on that axle system. These
Have your vehicle's brake system inspected at least
ratings are developed on the basis of the minimum
once each year. Where vehicles are used in severe
component capability, be it axles, springs or tires.
service or in considerable