10. Steering Column Slip Joint: Lubricate under low
pressure. Use IH 251H EP grease or equivalent NLGI
Lubrication instructions in this manual
#2 multi-purpose lithium grease. NOTE: Too much
recommended mileage lubrication intervals.
pressure will damage oil seals.
11. Steering Column Universal Joint and Pillar Block
These mileages represent requirements for normal
For severe service or unusual operating
Use IH 251H EP grease or equivalent NLGI #2 multi-
conditions, these intervals should be reduced
purpose lithium grease. NOTE: Too much pressure
will damage oil seals.
12. Brake Camshafts and Slack Adjusters (Front
and Rear): Do not over-lubricate. Use IH 252 H EP
grease or equivalent NLGI #2 multipurpose lithium
grease. Slack adjusters without fittings or plugs require
maintained between the "H" (high) and "L" (low) marks
no lubrication.
on dipstick. NOTE: Keep oil level as near the high level
13. Rear Axles, Forward and Rear and Power
mark as possible.
Divider: Operate truck; then let stand five minutes
Cummins Diesel Engines: Refer to "Lubricant
before checking the lubricant level in forward rear axle.
and Fuel" following UNIT REFILL CAPACITIES for oil
Keep filled to plug level. Drain at first 3000 miles and
specifications and viscosity.
every 50,000 miles or twice a year thereafter. Use SP
type lubricant, SAE-90 viscosity year around, meeting
MIL-L-2105B specification and supplied by a reputable
refinery. (SP must not contain zinc.) For abnormally
2. Battery: Add distilled water to indicator level.
high temperature, severe service (hot climate, off
Do not overfill.
highway operation where vehicle is in low speed, heavy
3. Power Steering Pump Reservoir:
hauling for prolonged periods), use SAE-140. (Keep
reservoir filled to indicator level with SAE 10W-30 engine
axle vents clean and free from obstruction.) In new or
rebuilt axles, add gear lubricant to power divider (see
quantity specified) before initial running to insure proper
lubrication of pinion bearings. NOTE: Traction equalizer
1600 to 3200 km (1000 to 2000 Miles)
axles, add 20 cc (2/3 ounce) of IH-LS additive for each
0.47 liter (1 pint) of SP lubricant used.
4. Propeller Shaft Slip Joint: Under low pressure
force small amount of IH 251H EP grease or equivalent
Accelerator Linkage (not shown on diagram):
NLGI #2 multi-purpose lithium grease into joint.
Lubricate linkage, pivot pins and sliding surfaces with
Excessive pressure and lubricant will damage oil seals.
light engine oil.
5. Spring Shackles, Spring Pins and Packs:
Lubricate through fittings until old lubricant, dirt and
Radiator Shutter and Linkage (not shown on
water are expelled.
Use IH 251H EP grease or
diagram): Vehicles equipped with automatic modulated
equivalent NLGI #2 multi-purpose lithium grease.
control radiator shutters (thermostat element mounted in
6. Pintle Hook: Lubricate with engine oil.
bottom tank of radiator), DO NOT OIL PINS AND
7. Drag Link Ball Joints: Lubricate through fittings
until old lubricant, dirt and water are expelled. Use IH
Vane bearings should be cleaned with light or
251H EP grease or equivalent NLGI #2 multi-purpose
penetrating oil and blown out with air ONLY when
lithium grease.
servicing complete shutter assembly. Do not oil Cadillac
8. Tie Rod Ends:
( Lubricate through
( fittings until old
( lubricant, dirt
Door Latches and Striker Plates (not shown on
(not shown on dia-
( and water are ex
diagram): Lubricate with stick lubricant.
( pelled. Use IH
251H EP grease or
14. Transmission Remote Control:
equivalent NLGI #2
linkage with light engine oil.
15. Transmission (Automatic):
Only Dexron
lithium grease.
automatic transmission fluid is recommended. When the
9. King Pin Bushings: Lubricate through fittings
ambient temperature is below -23 degrees C (-10
until old lubricant, dirt and water are expelled. Use IH
degrees F) an auxiliary preheat is required. Raise the
251H EP grease or equivalent NLGI #2 multi-purpose
temperature above -23 degrees C (-10 degrees F)
lithium grease.
before operating the transmission.