5. The EIR suggested moving the live, voltmeter wire No. 27 of the circuit breaker panel from its present, continuously
'hot" terminal and reconnecting with wire No. 14B, the top terminal of the magnetic switch. This change will function to
disconnect the voltmeter from the system, whenever the ignition switch is "OFF". With this change in voltmeter wiring,
users lose the battery condition indication before starting. The alternator charge indication is not affected. The EIR stated
the local IHC dealer concurred in the change and said that it would have no ill effects on the truck's electrical system.
This is true in part. With this change in voltmeter wiring the primary purpose of the voltmeter, to indicate the correct range
(voltage) of alternator charging of the electrical system, is not affected. The change does result in the users losing the
before operation battery condition indication and the ability to take action to service those low charge batteries before they
fail to start the truck. This presumes that the drivers look at and interpret the voltmeter readings before they start the
engine or otherwise drain the batteries.