10 June 1977
Users are reporting cases where the various hose lines and electrical harnesses are rubbing on each other and
chafing against other components of the CCE-IHC 20 Ton Dump Truck. This also occurs on other vehicles.
Users can reduce the effects of rubbing and chafing by protecting, securing, and rerouting the lines.
accompanying guidance is recommended in the following order preference:
a. Protection of lines: Many commercial users advocate protection of these lines, especially in locales where the
lines must remain flexible. The protection method also reduces the mechanic's time necessary for component
maintenance. Examine each vehicle for potential trouble spots. For those areas where there is a risk of rubbing or
chafing occurring, cut and slit a length of scrapped garden hose or heavier scrapped water hose. Install the slit hose over
the lines for protection. Secure the hose with screw type hose clamps, one fastening each end. Check this protection on
a 6 month or a yearly basis and replace the worn hose with more scrap hose, when necessary. This method won't affect
the maintenance of the line being protected nor increase the time to replace nearby components. The added scrap hose
continues to rub and is sacrificed without complicating the vehicle with added brackets, holders, or other components that
get in the way of future maintenance. Another trick is to use the hose as a continuous bracket, since the hose and line is
usually stiffer than the original line was alone. Commercial users occasionally provide U-shaped brackets to aim the
stiffer hose and line assembly out of the way of damage. The bracket is fastened to the vehicle and the line leg of the U-
bracket aimed in the desired path. The screw type hose clamp secures the hose assembly to the bracket in the aimed
b. Securing lines: Brackets are good, but there are a number of tricks -of-the-trade necessary to prevent the
brackets from causing more problems-than they are worth'., The purpose of a bracket is to