trucks, has a front, forged eye tow hook, built to pull the truck with a straight-ahead, horizontal force equal to the GVWR
on the truck's name plate. Use this front tow eye to pull the truck through forward. At the rear, the CCE IHC Dump has a
pintle hook that is reinforced into the frame rails. Don't use anything else than these to pull the truck out front and rear.
Unload the truck before trying recovery, if you have any idea that these two recovery devices could fail during towing out.
Irresistible forces and immovable objects have been known to tear up even the stoutest dump trucks. In pulling the truck
out observe the following:
- Make sure the chain (s) or cables (s) are securely attached to each vehicle.
- Get everybody out of the whip-range of the chain or cable, if it breaks.
- Have one buddy off to the side, directing, by hand signals, the retrieval operation of the tow vehicle and the dump truck.
- Without jerks, take up the slack in the line and have both vehicles smoothly apply power, simultaneously. If any one's
wheels or crawler tracks spin, stop immediately.
- Lastly, try coordinated rocking while keeping the line as taunt as possible, Coordinated rocking is tricky. Both operators
must follow their buddy-off-to-the-side's direction and his signals must coincide with the natural rocking motion. Take it
real easy on the accelerators of both vehicles. (If possible, dry run the coordinated rocking methods to get them down
pat, before you have to use it to get out of a soft spot).
- When all else fails, finally resort to digging out by loader, dozer, or hand shovels; or jack the truck up and lay a corduroy
roadway of heavy trees sections (brush won't do it) under the wheels; or rig and bodily lift your stuck dumper out, using
a 20 - or 25 - ton truck mounted crane; or smile cheerfully while you sign the Statement of Charges for 1 CCE Dump
Truck that both the Motor Pool Officer and Sargent hand you and vow never again, during your remaining 10 year truck
reimbursement time left in the Army, to drive a heavy truck into a soft area you can't get out of.