A few users of the CCE-IHC, Paystar F5070, 71000 GVWR Dump Trucks have complained about getting stuck in
soft ground, especially where other Military Design trucks can go through.
As far as soft ground is concerned, the CCE-IHC, Dump truck is a whole new ball game. The CCE-IHC 6 X 4
Dumper is almost twice the loaded weight of the M-Series 6 X 6 Dumpers it replaces. With its 71,000 lb fully loaded gross
vehicle weight rating (GVWR), the CCE-IHC Dumper can get stuck and stuck badly in some areas, while in other areas it
will go right on through. The difference is traction on the rear tires. The heavy weight of about 50,000 lb on the CCE
Dumper's rear tandem results in breaking through soft ground until firm hardbottom soil condition can be found. The
heavily loaded tandem squeezes the soft ground out of the way. The squeezing continues until it reaches the firm
hardbottom, but if the hardbottom is deeper than 3 or 4 feet or, worse, there isn't any hardbottom, then, buddy, your stuck!
The much lighter, all-wheel drive, M-Series Trucks can chew their way out of some mighty bad situations. The
lighter loading and tires provide some flotation on soft soils and the NDCC tire lugs, when not filled smooth with mud,
shear the sticky soil to provide forward and reverse traction. This truck's main transmission, transfer case, and driving
front and rear axles provide low gearing and all-wheels pulling. On the other hand, the loaded CCE Dump Truck, or any
other heavy truck in this class, can't depend on these methods of getting out of sticky situations. The CCE Dumper can
walk through those and worse situations having a hardbottom for traction. The big diesel provides abundant power and
the engine-drive-train match provides the deep, "gramma" gearing through the shock-absorbing torque converter, power
shift main and aux box transmissions, and the deep, double reduction rear end with 3-each, lock-up differentials. That's
part of your CCE Dumpers Off Road features. The CCE Dumper is equipped with a dead axle at the front with oversized
wide base front tires to result in front end floatation and to provide low drag and low mud build-up in soft ground. The dual
rear tandem is where the loaded dump truck's weight is and that is where the engine power is directed, just like the
commercial users. The rear tandem has the weight to squeeze soft, plastic soil out of its way and to compact what's left,
down to harder, firm soil underneath those 8-tires that receive the power. The tires apply enough pressure so that the tire
to soil interface adhesion is often stronger than the soil to soil bond. As a result, the tear tires provide traction and don't
spin until the soil, itself, breaks away and shears, a few inches or so underneath all rear tandem tires, all at once. The 3,
lock-up differentials won't let any tire spin until all tires spin-out.