July 1977
The users of Commercial Construction Equipment (CCE) and other commercial v hicles have been inquiring as to
the location and mounting of on-vehicle equipment (OVE). The OVE included fire extinguishers, disabled vehicle warning
kits (triangle, reflectors, and flares), first aid kits, decon kits, rifle brackets, pioneer tool kits, fuel and water cans, and
similar equipment to be carried on each vehicle.
Commercial users have standardized on the in-cab placement of commercial type equipment through use of a
Regular Common Carrier Conference (RCCC) Recommended Practice (RP) (see Enclosure 1). The enclosed RCCC
RP-403, "Placement of Safety Equipment", provides both manufacturers and users with guidelines for the installation of
the OVE items.
Information pertaining to the installation and use of fire extinguishers on Army equipment is contained in the
following Army regulations. Consult the following:
-AR 420-90, paragraph 3-6
-AR 385-17
-AR 385-55, Chapter 5
There is also guidance in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) which can be adapted for OVE items by
users of commercial equipment. Your local legal office usually has or has access to the US Code of Federal Regulations.
The FMCSR are covered under Title 49 CFR 393.95, see Emergency Equipment.
In-cab or in-compartment OVE item installation guidance:
a. Using the actual OVE item, or a cardboard mock-up of the item, make a trial installation and consider the
following points:
(1) Check for interference and hazards caused by the item to people getting into and alighting from the cab or
operation's compartment. There must be enough clearance so that both small, short people and big, tall people would not
be exposed to a dangerous fall. Mountings of the OVE item are intended to be only of sufficient strength to hold the item.
Therefore, do not position the item in such a manner that it can be used as a handhold to assist people getting in or out.