(2) Check for interference and hazards caused by the item to any of the equipment operating controls. Maintain a
clearance of at least 2-inches from any control lever travel path and at least twice this clearance for control hand grip and
foot pedal areas.
(3) Check seat adjustment and travel for any interference with the OVE item.
(4) Check the OVE item to make sure that it is accessible for removal and replacement from its mounting bracket.
Also position the emergency items, such as fire extinguishers, so that they can be readily used by excited people under
emergency conditions.
(5) Some decontamination Kits, which resemble a fire extinguisher, contain flammable decontaminates that must not
be used on fire. Therefore, position these decon kits away from ready access and label them so, in an emergency,
people won't use the decon kit on a fire.
b. Having determined the best position for the OVE item, the next step is to inspect the cab or operator's
compartment for installation problems, structural rigidity of the mounting areas, and ease of securing the OVE item. Make
sure to consider the following points:
(1) Go over the cab or compartment, both inside and outside, looking for potential installation problems. Get help on
this procedure, since two heads are better than one at evaluating all of the possible problems. Look at the wiring,
plumbing, structural members and panels, access to the mount fasteners (especially tool clearances), interference with
(2) Reinforcement of cab or compartment mounting panels should be considered. A 3-to 15-pound item, laid down
lengthwise, usually needs only flat washers to reinforce the panels. However, items standing on end and heavier items
normally call for reinforce plates on the outside of the panels to spread the loading caused by shock and vibration. When
in doubt about the panel strength, go ahead and add reinforcing plates of a size that will spread the loading of the OVE
item over an area that won't damage the cab or compartment panel. Occasionally, the item will need to be mounted on a
fiber glass or plastic panel. These panels are strong and flexible, but have a tendency to crack, so special care is needed.
On both sides of the mount on a plastic panel, spread the loading with soft rubber donuts or pads; provide a flexible,
clamping action. Use prevailing torque lock nuts, only, to hold everything together. Ordinary nuts will loosen up.