Fig . 3-Fractured Gear Teeth
Fig. 3 illustrates typical examples of fracture to bevel
then adjusted to satisfy two conditions--best possible
gear teeth due to improper gear adjustment. The photo
contact area position and quiet operation. Readjustment
at the left shows a failure that resulted from concentrated
of gears that are believed to be noisy after a period of
contact area at the heel section of the bevel gear caused
service, in general, will aggravate the condition rather
by excessive backlash between the bevel gear and
than eliminate it. Improper adjustment concentrates the
pinion. The illustration at the right shows a fractured
contact area on a small portion of the teeth resulting in
bevel gear in which backlash between the bevel gear
failures of the type shown above.
and pinion was not sufficient, thus producing excessive
loading on the toe section of the gear.
Failures of this type can be avoided by correctly adjusting
the drive gears, when necessary, according to the
Bevel gears are carefully matched with the driving pinion
specifications outlined in the rear axle section of the
before assembly into differential carrier. The gears are
CTS-2001 series service manual.