NOTE: Before starting to disassemble the starting motor
motor terminal and lead from solenoid ground
etch mark the field frame, lever housing and the nose
housing so they may be reassembled in the same
2. Motors which have brush inspection plates,
remove the plates, then remove the brush lead
screws which disconnect the field leads from the
brush holders.
3. Separate the commentator end frame from the
field frame.
4. Separate the nose housing and field frame from
the lever housing.
5. Remove the armature and clutch assembly from
lever housing.
6. Separate solenoid from lever housing by pulling
1. Brushes and Brush Holders-- Inspect the
brushes for wear. If they are worn down to one-
half their original length, when compared with a
new brush, they should be replaced. Clean
brush holders and be sure that the brushes will
not bind in the holders. The full length of the
brush surface should ride on the commentator
with spring tension to provide a good contact.
Inspect the brush leads and screws to be sure
they are tight and clean.
2. Armature-- Inspect the armature to be sure there
are no short circuits, open or grounds.
a. Short circuits are located by turning the
armature in a growler while holding a steel
strip on the armature. The steel strip will
vibrate on the area of the short circuit, see
Fig. 11.
Heavy Duty Drive Clutch Motor
1. Disconnect field coil connector from solenoid
Fig. 11 Testing Armature for Short Circuits