The injector contains a ball check valve. As the injector
plunger moves downward to cover the feed opening, an
impulse pressure wave seats the ball and at the same
time traps a positive amount of fuel in the injector cup for
As the continuing downward plunger
movement injects fuel into the combustion chamber, it
also uncovers the drain opening and the ball rises from
its seat. This allows free flow through the injector and
out the drain for cooling purposes and purging gases
from the cup.
Fig. 5-11, (FWC 29),. Fuel injection cycle PT (type D) injector 5/16 inch diameter plunger.
Engines may be equipped with special oil pans and filters
Lubricating System
for some applications, and others with auxiliary oil
Cummins engines are pressure lubricated by a gear-type
coolers to maintain closer oil temperature regulation.
lubricating oil pump located in the oil pan or on side of
the engine.
engine oil system. Turbocharger is cooled by same
A pressure regulator is mounted in the lubricating oil
lubricating oil used for lubrication.
pump to control lubricating oil pressure.
Fuel pumps and injectors are lubricated by fuel oil.
Filters and screens are provided in lubricating oil system
to remove foreign material from circulation and prevent
Inline Engines
damage to bearings or mating surfaces. A by-pass valve
is provided in full-flow oil filter head as insurance against
interruption of oil flow by a dirty or clogged element.
NTC Series (Full Flow Oil Cooling)
Maximum cleansing and filtration is achieved through
The NTC (FFC) engine is pressure lubricated by a gear-
use of both by-pass and full-flow lubricating oil filters.
type lubricating oil pump located on the intake manifold
Full-flow filters are standard on all engines; by-pass
side of the engine. Oil pressure to the main rifle is
filters are used on all turbocharged models and optionally
controlled by a regulator located in the cooler support on
on all other engines.