preservative oil U. S. Military Specification MI LL644
Type P9.
On any engine not in service, the unpainted machined
5. Start engine with fuel line to filter using diesel
surfaces are subject to rust and corrosion. The rate of
fuel. The injector drain line can flow into the container
corrosion varies with climatic conditions. An engine
with diesel fuel. After engine is running smoothly, switch
stored in a climate with a high amount of moisture in the
air will corrode more rapidly than an engine stored in a
to ten minutes on the preservative oil. Stop the engine
dry climate.
and reconnect the fuel lines.
6. Drain oil sumps of pumps, compressors,
Temporary Storage
coolers, filters and crankcase, etc. Replace all plugs
If an engine remains out of service for three or four
after draining.
weeks (maximum six months), special precautions
7. Remove intake and exhaust manifolds. Spray all
should be taken to prevent rust. The operations listed
below are required to minimize or prevent damage to
port, with preservative oil. Replace intake and exhaust
temporarily stored engines.
8. Inspect
1. Engine must be started and operated until
contaminated, drain and flush, fill with rust preventive
thoroughly warm. Disconnect fuel lines to engine fuel
filter and injector drain line. Fill two containers, one with
9. If air starter is used, remove exhaust plate, spray
diesel fuel and a second with preservative oil.
with preservative oil and replace plate. Loosen V belt
2. Start engine with fuel line to filter using diesel
fuel. The injector drain line can flow into the container
10. Rush or spray a film of rust preventive
with diesel fuel. After engine is running smoothly, switch
compound on all exposed, unpainted surfaces of engine.
Use a rust preventive conforming to Type P2, Grade 1 or
to ten minutes on preservative oil. Stop engine and
2, U.S. Military Specification MILC16173C.Remove
reconnect the fuel lines.
cylinder head covers and spray rocker levers, valve
3. Drain oil sump, fuel filters and fuel tank and
stems, springs, guides, crossheads and push tubes.
reinstall drain plugs. Sump may remain empty until
Replace cover.
engine is ready for use, tag engine with warning tag.
11. Cover all engine openings with heavy paper and
4. Disconnect electrical wiring and turn full pump
tape. Tag engine to indicate that it has been treated
manual shutoff valve fully counterclockwise. Spray
with preservatives and crankshaft should not be barred
lubricating oil into intake manifold and air compressor
over.Tag should show coolant has been removed, date
while cranking engine slowly.
of treatment and indicate that engine is not ready to run.
5. Cover all openings with tape to prevent entrance
12. Store engine in an area where air is dry and
of dirt and moisture.
temperature uniform.
6. Drain coolant from cooling system unless it is
permanent type antifreeze with rust inhibitor added.
Note: Engines in storage more than 24 months should
7. Store engine in dry and uniform temperature
be flushed out with a suitable solvent or light, hot oil and
then be reprocessed with rust preventive materials.
8. Bar engine crankshaft two or three revolutions
Periodically inspect engines for rust or corrosion. Take
each three to four weeks.
corrective action if necessary.
Permanent Storage
13. Although the preservative materials may be
1. When engine is to be stored six months or more,
added to and used for the same purpose repeatedly,
the lubricating system, cooling system, fuel system,
they must be kept clean, the accumulated deposits
crankcase and external parts must be protected against
should be removed after being allowed to settle.
rust and corrosion.
2. Start engine and operate at fast idle until the
engine is thoroughly warm. Stop engine and drain old
When an engine is removed from storage and put into
service, the following operations should be performed.
3. Fill crankcase to full mark on bayonet gauge or
dipstick with
preservative oil, U.
Specification MILL21260, Type P10, Grade 2 SAE 30.
Clean Engine
Disconnect fuel lines to
1. Clean accumulated dirt from exterior of engine.
engine fuel filter and injector drain line.
Fill two
Remove covers, tape and wrappings.
containers, one with diesel fuel and a second with