TM 5-3805-254-20-1
Dont pull bearings or bushings unless they are damaged. If you must get to a damaged or defective part behind
bearings or bushings, pull them off very carefully.
Replace all gaskets, lockwashers, and packings.
All parts must be cleaned before inspection and assembly and after repair. If part is to be removed from vehicle, wipe off
grease and grime before removal so dirt particles will not fall into delicate engine or hydraulic components.
When working on systems where extreme cleanliness is required, steam clean parts and surrounding area before removal
or disassembly.
Hands should be kept clean and free of grease, which can collect dust and dirt.
Drycleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Wear safety goggles and gloves and use only
in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes, and do not breathe vapors.
Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. Flashpoint for type #1 drycleaning solvent is 1000F
(380C) and for type #2 is 1380F (590C). If you become dizzy while using solvent, get fresh air
immediately, and get medical aid. If contact with eyes is made, wash your eyes with water, and
get medical aid immediately.
Clean inner and outer surfaces of metal parts and all areas that get greasy or oily with drycleaning solvent (item 19,
appendix C). Clean out sludge and gum with stiff brush. Put small parts in wire mesh basket before immersing in solvent.
Use steam cleaning to take off grease and dirt buildup. After drycleaning solvent has been applied, dry with clean rags
(item 15, appendix E).
Particles blown by compressed air are hazardous. Make certain the airstream is directed away
from user and other personnel in the area. Compressed air used for cleaning purposes shall not
exceed 30 psi (207 kPa). User must wear safety goggles or face shield to prevent injury to
Use clean water or soap (item 7, appendix C) and water to clean rubber or plastic material. Clean off rust on metallic parts
with wire brush or abrasive cloth. Use low-pressure compressed air to blow away rust and cloth particles. Clean off solder
with soldering iron. Hydraulic system components must be cleaned and dried carefully so that dirt and metal or fiber
particles cannot get into and contaminate hydraulic fluid.
Electrical parts solvent cleaning compound is flammable, and reacts violently with certain metals.
Boiling point is 1140F(460C). Do not wear jewelry. Wear safety goggles, rubber gloves, and use
only in well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes and dont breathe vapors.
Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. If you become dizzy while using cleaning
compound, get fresh air immediately and get medical aid. If contact with eyes is made, wash your
eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.