TM 5-3805-264-13&P
Maintenance Services
After equipment has been placed in administrative storage, inspect, service, and exercise as specified herein.
Inspection will usually be visual and must consist of at least a walkaround examination of all equipment to detect
any deficiencies. Inspect equipment in open storage weekly and equipment in covered storage monthly. Inspect
all equipment immediately after any severe storm or environmental change. The following are examples of things
to look for during a visual inspection:
Low or flat tires.
Coolant, fuel, or oil leaks.
Missing or damaged parts.
Water in compartments.
Any other readily recognizable shortcomings or deficiencies.
Repair During Administrative Storage
Keep equipment in an optimum state of readiness. Accomplish the required services and repairs as quickly as
possible. Whenever possible, perform all maintenance on-site.
Exercise equipment in accordance with Table 1 and the following instructions.
Vehicle Major Exercise. Depreserve equipment by removing only that material restricting exercise. Close all
drains, remove blocks, and perform all BEFORE operational checks. Make several right and left 90-degree turns.
Make several hard braking stops without skidding. While exercising, and when it is safe and convenient, operate
all other functional components and perform all DURING and AFTER operational checks.
Scheduled Services. Scheduled services will include inspection as described above and will be conducted in
accordance with Field Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). Lubricate in accordance with
Corrective Action. Immediately take action to correct shortcomings and deficiencies noted. Record inspection
and exercise results on DA Form 2404. Record and report all maintenance actions on DA Form 2407. After
exercising, restore the preservation to the original condition. Replenish lubricants used during exercising and note
the amount on DA Form 2408.