satisfaction of Cummins to have been defective and that
is returned, with transportation charges prepaid, to the
100,000 MILES, 3,600 HOURS, TWO YEARS
Cummins factory in Columbus, Indiana, or to a
Distributor or Dealer authorized by Cummins to perform
This warranty applies to highway engines and
warranty repairs.
marine main propulsion engines marketed for use in the
United States or Canada under the trademark
None of the warranties stated herein apply to (i)
any engine that shall have been subject to
overspeeding, misuse, negligence, or accident, (ii) any
Cummins engines are warranted to be free from
engine that shall have been repaired or altered by
defects in workmanship and material, under normal use
anyone who is not an authorized Cummins Distributor or
and service, for two years or 100,000 miles or 3,600
Dealer in such a way that, in the judgment of Cummins,
hours of operation, whichever shall occur first, from the
its performance and reliability are adversely affected, (iii)
date of delivery to the first purchaser, but subject to the
any part of an engine improperly applied or installed, (iv)
following conditions.
Until the engine shall have
failures in any way resulting from use of parts not
achieved 10,000 miles or 1,800 hours of operation,
manufactured or approved by Cum-ins, or (v) normal
whichever shall occur first, from the date of delivery to
maintenance services including, but not limited to,
the first purchaser, Cummins will bear reasonable labor
engine tune-up and the repair or replacement of filters
costs required to repair or replace any part found by it to
and belts.
be defective as stated below, provided the repairs or
replacements are made by Cummins at its plant in
Cummins shall not be liable for loss of time to
Columbus, Indiana, or by an authorized Distributor or
the user while the engine or other equipment is out of
Dealer at the place of business of such Distributor or
Thereafter, and for the remainder of this
warranty, Cummins, at its sole option, may pay a portion
of such labor costs. This warranty does not include
radiators, and other accessory items not manufactured
engine removal and reinstallation expense.
by Cummins are warranted by their respective
manufacturers, and are not warranted by Cummins.
There are no warranties, express or implied,
In addition to the foregoing, Cummins warrants
including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent
particular purpose, by Cummins or any Distributor or
purchaser that each engine which is manufactured on or
Dealer, regarding Cummins engines (as defined above)
after January 1, 1972, and which is in a vehicle designed
except the warranties specified herein. No person is
for transporting persons or property on a street or
authorized to bind Cummins for any such other warranty.
highway, is designed, built and equipped so as to
conform at the time of sale by Cummins with all U.S.
Federal emission standards applicable at the time of
manufacture and that is free from defects in materials
and workmanship which would cause it not to meet
these standards within the period of five (5) years,
100,000 miles, or 3,000 hours of operation, whichever
occurs first, as measured from the date of delivery of the
engine to the ultimate purchaser. Failures, other than
those resulting from defects in materials or
workmanship, which arise solely as a result of owner
abuse and/or lack of proper maintenance are not
covered by this warranty.
The responsibility of Cummins under these
warranties is limited to repairing or, at its option,
replacing, subject to the provisions set forth above, any
part that, upon examination is disclosed to the