4. With one man working from inside the cab and
Fig. 23
the other serving to press the glass inward,
grasp the end of the cord (either end of cord) as
To Install:
shown in Fig. 26.
1. Carefully place the moulded weatherseal
(weatherstrip) around the edge of the glass as
shown in Fig. 24.
Fig. 26
5. Carefully draw the cord from the flange channel
in the weatherseal; bring the lip on the channel
Fig. 24
over the cab flange. Draw one side of the cord
out of the weatherseal until the cord has traveled
2. Place a chalk line cord in the weatherseal flange
completely around to the top center of the glass.
channel. Work the cord into the weatherseal,
It is not important which side of the weatherseal
being careful to keep the cord straight and free
is drawn over the cab flange first, Fig. 27.
of kinks, Fig. 25.
6. Leave the one end of the cord at the top center
3. With an assistant, carefully place the windshield,
of the glass, then grasp the opposite end of the
with weatherseal attached, in position in the cab
cord to complete the drawing operation around
opening. The cord used for installing the glass
the opposite side of the glass to within
must be installed in the seal with the ends at the
approximately 12" of completing the drawing
bottom of the glass.
operation, Fig. 28.