Install bushings (11) on shutter blades (10).
Remove left angle (1) and right angle (3) from
Assemble left angle (1) and right angle (3) on ends of
shutter blades (10).
blades (10). Place bushings (12) on blade crank pins
and install control bar (4).
Clean all parts thoroughly and examine for damage
Place shutter blade assembly in frame (2). Connect
or wear. Be sure all old gasket material is removed from
blade spring (5) from control bar (4) to control bar stud
body. Check to see that small disc (antifriction washer),
located in bore of thermostat unit, is not stuck to lower
Insert control rod (9) and install block (8) and spring
end of piston. If disc is stuck it is very important that it
(7) on rod. Install cotter pins in control rod. Connect
boe replaced. Be certain that piston is free of dirt or
block (8) to control bar (4). Install bolts securing right
abrasive material. Also, see that piston is a free sliding
angle (3) and left angle (1) to frame (2).
fit in bore of thermostat unit.
Check linkage and shutter blade crank bushings for
Shutter Assembly
excessive wear. Replace parts where necessary.
Position shutter assembly in vehicle and install retaining
Shutter Control
All key numbers refer to Fig. 2.
Shutter Control
Adjust thermostat location in control body (see
Using proper adapter, drive or press new bushings in
"ADJUSTMENTS"). Place new gasket on control body
body flanges.
and assembly body to radiator, thermostat unit extending
Install small disc (antirattle washer) into bore of
into bottom tank. Install the two (2) bolts securing
thermostat unit. Lubricate piston with # 200 fluid or
shutter control to radiator tank.
silicone grease and place piston into bore of thermostat
unit (bulletnose end out). Assemble jam nut (6) followed
by new "O" ring seal (5) on thermostat unit (7). Install
thermostat into body (3). See "ADJUSTMENTS" for
correct positioning of thermostat in body.
Position seat (9) in body (3), flanged side opposite
thermostat side of body. Install spring (10), seat (11), felt
washer (12) and secure in body (3) with snap ring (13).
Place plunger (14) into body. Slide control shaft (8)
through one side of body flange.
Mount yoke with plunger assembly (14) on shaft. Push
shaft through remaining flange.
Align plunger with opening in seats (11) and position
plunger moves in and out of body. Install and tighten
socket head setscrews in yoke. Position control lever (1)
on shaft with lever pointing in opposite direction from
thermostat unit. Do not tighten clamp bolt or setscrews
Fig. 4 Shutter Control Thermostat Unit Adjustment.
in lever at this time. See "ADJUSTMENTS" for final
positioning of lever.
Shutter Assembly
Thermostats with different body lengths are being
All key numbers refer to Fig. 3.
used, see Figures 4 and 5. Therefore, the dimensions
between the face of the body flange and end of the
thermostat unit will also be different as shown in the
When installing shutter control, control lever must be
correctly positioned on shaft to properly open and close
shutter blades.
With engine cold (150 or below) and control rod
disconnected at control lever, manually close shutter
blades. This can be done by