6. The cleaner requires 'no separate gaskets for seals;
therefore, care must be taken when inserting cartridge to
Dry Type Servicing
insure a proper seat within air cleaner housing. Firmly
Disassemble cleaner.
Clean element
press all edges and corners of cartridge with fingers to
compressed air.
effect a positive air seal against sealing flange of
2. Wipe out housing with clean cloth.
housing. Under no circumstances should cartridge be
3. Inspect gasket, replace if not reusable.
pounded or pressed in center to effect a seal.
4. Install new or cleaned element.
5. Assemble cleaner.
7. Assemble cleaner.
Heavy Duty Single And Dual Type Servicing
1. Wipe dirt from cover and upper portion of cleaner.
1. The restriction indicator signals when to change
2. Disassemble cleaner and remove element.
cartridges. The red flag (1, Fig. 10-2) in window
Blow out element from clean air side using
gradually rises as cartridge loads with dirt. Do not
compressed air of not more than 100 psi [7 kg/sq cm].
change cartridge until flag reaches top and locks in
4. Wash element with non-sudsing detergent and warm
position. When locked, flag will remain up after engine is
water. Dry with compressed air not exceeding 40 psi [2.8
shut down. After changing cartridge, reset indicator by
kg/sq cm].
pushing re-set button (2). Push button all the way in
5. Inspect element for holes.
firmly; then release. If button sticks, repeat pushing
6. Install new or cleaned element.
7. Check air restriction indicator, if air restriction is
2. A second method is utilization of a vacuum gauge and
excessive, disassemble air cleaner, remove wing nut and
warning light that performs the same function as
replace safety element.
described in Step 1. Components for vacuum gauge
8. Reassemble air cleaner.
include electrical source (1, Fig. 10-3) air piping (2),
vacuum switch (3) and red warning light (4).
Cartridge Type Air Cleaner Servicing
1. Disassemble cleaner. Remove dirty Pamic cartridge
by inserting fingers in cartridge opening. Loosen all four
corners, one at a time by pulling straight out.
2. Clean pre-cleaner or moisture eliminator (where
applicable). Wipe out housing with clean cloth.
3. Inspect housing and all other parts. Replace if
4. It is not recommended to clean and reuse cartridge.
5. Install a new cartridge; hold cartridge in same manner
as when removing from housing. Insert clean cartridge
into housing; avoid hitting cartridge tubes against sealing
flange on edges of air cleaner housing.
1. Red Flag
2. Re-set Button
Fig. 10-2, (CGS-20). Air cleaner restriction indicator