12. If reading is less than 0.007 inch [0.18 mm]:
not over-expanded. The measured gap should not be
a. Loosen bearing cap capscrews slightly.
expanded more than eight (8) times the nominal radial
b. Shift crankshaft first toward front and then toward rear
wall thickness of the ring. Stagger ring gaps so they are
of engine.
not in line with each other or piston pin. Lubricate piston
c. Retighten capscrews by template method, Step 9.
and rings with clean engine lubricating oil.
d. Recheck clearance.
4. Slide connecting rod cap from bolts. Make certain
13. If reading is more than 0.022 inch [0.56 mm],
bolt heads are seated squarely on rod shoulder. Keep
crankshaft must be reworked or oversize thrust rings
rod cap with mating connecting rod.
5. Turn engine to vertical position on engine stand and
rotate crankshaft so any two crank throws are at bottom-
Cylinder Liners
center position.
1. Before installing cylinder liners, check protrusion. If
6. Compress rings with ST-1176, insert piston and rod
'necessary, install shims around liner to maintain 0.003 to
assembly into cylinder. Position numbered side of rod
0.006 inch [0.08 to 0.15 mm] protrusion.
toward camshaft side of block. Push piston and rod
2. Just prior to installation lubricate packing rings with a
assembly through ring compressor until rings are in liner.
light coat of clean lubricating oil, roll into position and
Use care to prevent scratching of liners.
install crevice seal. Using mold mark on ring as guide,
7. Pull piston and rod assembly down by rod bolts, leave
straighten as required.
assembly short of seating to allow insertion of bearing
Caution: To prevent swelling of "0(' rings, lubricate
lightly with clean engine lubricating oil, just prior to
8. Coat crank side of rod bearing shells with clean
installation. Make sure proper part numbers are
lubricating oil, roll rod bearing shell into rod. Shell locking
tang must fit in milled recess. Seat rod on crank journal.
3. Lubricate machined portions of block on which rings
9. Seat lower shell in rod cap and install rod cap over
seat with a light coat of clean engine lubricating oil.
bolts so numbered side of cap is matched with numbered
4. Place liner in block by hand, being careful to avoid
side of rod.
dislodging "O" rings and crevice seal. Press liner into
Note: Lubricate hardened washers with SAE 140W gear
position. Use ST-1229 Liner Driver to drive liner securely
lubricant before installation.
into the block so it fits squarely into block bore.
10. Lubricate bolt and nut threads on 855 C.lI.D.
5. Install ST-1184 Cylinder Liner Hold-Down Tool so foot
of tool rests upon cylinder liner "fire ring." Secure tool,
with clean lubricating oil.
Install new hardened
space capscrews so even load will be applied. Tighten
flatwashers and nuts to bolts. Tighten nuts by Template
capscrews to 50 ft-lbs [6.9 kg m] torque.
Method, see Table 14-2.
8. Use' ST-547 Gauge Block to determine if protrusion
meets specifications.
Table 14-2: Tightening Connecting Rod Nuts
7. Check liner bore with precision dial bore gauge, for
roundness at several points within range of piston travel.
Tightening Sequence Tightening Values
If liner is more than 0.002 inch [0.05 mm] out-of-round in
With Hardened Washer
Ft-Lb [kg ml
packing ring area, remove liner and check for cause of
Step 1 Tighten to
70 to 75 [9.7 to 10.3]
distortion. It is permissible to have 0.003 inch [0.08 mm]
Step 2 Tighten to
140 to 150 [19.4 to 20.7)
out-of-round at the top 1 inch [25.4 mm] of liner bore.
Step 3 Loosen all
Step 4 Tighten to
25 to 30 [3.5 to 4.1]'
1. Install rings on piston with word "TOP" toward top,
Step 5 Advance to
70 to 75 [9.7 to 10.3]
using ST-763.Piston Ring Expander.
Step 6 Advance to
140 to 150 [19.4 to 20.7]
2. Over-expanding a piston ring during installation on the
Camshaft And Gear
piston can cause distortion resulting in damage leading
1. Coat- both sides of thrust ring with high pressure
to failure. The ring should only be expanded enough to
lubricant and install over end of camshaft with oil grooves
allow it to pass over the piston.
toward camshaft gear.
3. A simple formula can be applied to insure that a ring
2. Lubricate cam lobes with high pressure lubricant.
Install camshaft, rotating slowly, being careful not to
damage lobes and bushings.
3. Index timing mark on camshaft gear with mark on
crankshaft gear. Fig. 14-3.