at bottom of each intake manifold port. Lift manifold into
Air Compressor
place with slots over capscrews.
For balance of engine and air compressor reciprocating
Note: Extra long capscrews are used to install
force, the coupling driven air compressor must be timed
to engine firing order.
1. Bar engine to "B" or "2-5" valve set mark.
2. Rotate air compressor crankshaft so male splined
coupling half key-way will be pointing directly away from
engine (3 o'clock position when looking at coupling end
of compressor).
3. Assemble splined coupling to air compressor drive
4. With a new gasket in place, position air compressor
coupling to accessory drive shaft; secure air compressor
Fig. 14-11, (N114129). Checking lubricating oil pump
to accessory drive housing. Connect air and water lines
gear backlash
to compressor.
Note: Bendix Westinghouse Tu-Flo 500 Compressor air
intake may be plumbed to engine intake manifold,
torque all capscrews to 20 to 25 ft. lbs. [2.8 to 3.5 kg mi.
5. Position and secure air compressor support bracket to
3. Position and secure air inlet connection with new
block and air compressor.
gasket on air intake manifold.
Fuel Pump
4. Using new hose and "O" ring, position water transfer
1. Position and secure fuel pump to fuel pump drive or air
tube assembly to aftercooler connection and block
compressor with new gasket and buffer or spline in
adapter, secure transfer tube connection using new "0"
place, use same part number as removed.
ring into block adapter with snap ring. Install new hose to
aftercooler connection and transfer tube connection.
2. Install line from fuel pump shut-down valve to cylinder
Tighten hose clamps.
head fuel drilling connection previously installed.
Aneroid Control
Lubricating Oil Pump
1. Secure aneroid control and bracket to fuel pump side
1. Place lubricating oil pump gasket to gear case. Make
of engine.
certain oil passages are open.
2. Install fuel pressure line from bottom of fuel pump (out-
board fitting) to "IN" connection on aneroid control and
2. Mesh drive gear teeth with camshaft gear as pump is
fuel return line from "OUT" connection on aneroid control
installed. Secure pump.
to fuel inlet connection.
3. Use same procedure to check pump gear backlash,
3. Install air line and fittings, if removed, from top of
Fig. 4-1 1, as used for checking accessory drive gear
aneroid to air intake manifold.
Replaceable Element Type
Note: If power steering pump is driven by lubricating oil
pump, position coupling to shaft, install power steering
1. Position and secure mounting bracket in desired
2. Check fittings in filter head for leaks, torque to 30 to 40
4. When used, secure oil filter can with new element and
ft-lb. [4.1 to 5.5 kg mi.
sealing "O" ring to lubricating oil pump by torquing center
3. Install filter head to mounting bracket; using a new
bolt to 25 to 35 ft-lb. [3.5 to 4.8 kg m] .
gasket, assemble case and element. Torque center bolt
to 20 to 25 ft-lb. [2.8 to 3.5 kg m] .
4. Connect fuel supply line between fuel filter and fuel
1. Install new gasket, flatwasher, lockwasher and