Gear Case Cover
1. Shellac new gasket to gear case cover. Check current
0.001 to 0.005 inch [0.03 to 0.13 mm] camshaft end
Parts Catalog for correct gear case cover and gear case
clearance for engines with camshaft thrust plate, 0.008 to
0.013 inch [0.20 to 0.33 mm] for engines with camshaft
gasket part numbers.
outboard bearing support.
2. Install gear cover in place over dowels. Torque
capscrews to 45 to 50 ft-lb. [6.2 to 6.9 kg ml, trim off
c. Install spacers and "0" ring seal; secure thrust plate to
excess gasket material at pan flange mounting area.
gear case cover.
3. Make sure that bottom surface of cover is within
+0.004 inch [0.10 mm] of flush with oil pan surface of
Rear Cover Plate And Oil Seal
block. Fig.14-12.
1. Clean crankshaft sleeve or seal area with crocus cloth
and coat area with clean lubricating oil.
Note: If wear sleeve is required, refer to Parts Catalog
for correct seal and sleeve combination.
2. Insert wear sleeve, if used, in ST-997 Seal and Sleeve
Driver with beveled end of sleeve facing sleeve driver;
drive sleeve on crankshaft until sleeve driver bottoms on
end of crankshaft.
3. Install rear cover and gasket to cylinder block. Tighten
capscrews finger tight so rear cover plate will move for
alignment and position sleeve driver over end of
crankshaft, rear cover plate should pilot over tool.
4. Tighten so cover can be shifted. Remove sleeve driver
Fig. 14-12, (N114134). Checking gear case cover to
and mount indicator on crankshaft with point on cover
block alignment
trunnion. Rear cover must be aligned within 0.005 inch
[0.13 mm] total indicator runout. Fig. 14-13. Tighten
4. Install crankshaft oil seal and fuel pump compressor
cover capscrews to 24 to 29 ft-lb. [3.3 to 4.0 kg m] and
drive shaft oil seal.
trim off excess gasket material.
a. Check concentricity of oil seal bore in relation to
5. Install and tighten two ST-997-6 Buttons into the two
crankshaft. If total indicator reading exceeds 0.010 inch
threaded holes inside of ST-997 Seal Driver. Position
[0.25 mm] remove, clean and relocate gear cover.
correct seal in rear cover plate bore and drive in until
buttons bottom.
b. Coat oil seal outside diameters and seal bore with
6. Use ST-1263 Seal Pilot when using Teflon oil seal.
lubricating oil. Install Teflon crankshaft seal with ST-1259
Seal Mandrel using ST-1260 Seal Pilot. ST-1172 Mandrel
Note: Clearance on inside diameter of some 101092 or
is used on tapered crankshaft. Install accessory drive
123982 Rear Cover Plates and 151621 Oil Seal Retainer
seal in gear case cover with ST-1173 Mandrel and ST-
may not be sufficient to allow plates to slide over wear
386 Pulley Assembly Tool, ST-1173 Mandrel will insert
sleeve, if not, grind 0.015 to 0.030 inch [0.38 to 0.76 mm]
seal to required depth.
from inside diameter of rear cover plate seal stop lip.
c. Check clearance between seal and shoulder on gear
case cover bore, if so equipped. Minimum clearance is
0.030 inch [0.76 mm]. Seal must not bottom on shoulder
of bore.
d, Front face of oil seal must be square with crankshaft
axis within 0.010 inch [0.25 mm] total indicator reading.
5. Install camshaft thrust plate or support bearing.
a. Remove "O" ring seal and spacers. Push plate or
support against camshaft so camshaft rests against
thrust washers. Measure dimension between thrust plate
and gear case cover with feeler gauge.
b. Using micrometer, select enough spacers to provide