2. Install water inlet support bracket to cylinder block.
2. Insert nozzles in block and secure. Using a
Start capscrews with lockwasher into block, do not
screwdriver adapter torque slotted screw to 5 to 8 ft. lb.
tighten. Position water inlet assembly to water pump and
[0.7 to 1.1 kg m] . Torque Hex Head capscrews to 16 to
support bracket. Torque water inlet to water pump
21 ft. lb. [2.2 to 2.9 kg mi.
capscrews to 30 ft-lb. [4.1 kg m].
3. Tighten support bracket to block and bracket to inlet
Note: Identification numbers stamped on the mounting
housing capscrews. Install water header cover plate.
flange of oil spray nozzles are: No. 5 FFC Series
4. Coat "O" rings with clean lubricating oil, position on
Engines, No. 1 all others.
water transfer tube. Be sure "O" rings are not twisted.
Position water transfer tube in water header cover.
Remove Engine From Stand
5. Install oil cooler to block bracket. Do not tighten
1. Attach lifting arrangement and remove engine from
capscrew. Position oil cooler assembly to block and
stand; mount front and rear supports to engine.
transfer tube. Torque cooler support, bracket to housing,
2. Remove engine stand support plates from water
and bracket to block capscrews to 30 ft-lb. [4.1 kg ml .
header and replace with proper gaskets and cover
Install water return to thermostat housing tube (FFC
6. Using new sealing "O" ring and filter element, position
Oil Gauge Bracket
oil filter can to oil cooler housing. Torque center bolt to 25
to 35 ft-lb. [3.5 to 4.8 kg m] .
Install oil bayonet gauge bracket, using new gaskets.
Water Manifold And Thermostat Housing
1. With "O" ring on water manifold connection, slip
1. Secure generator or alternator mounting bracket to
connection into manifold. Grease new water manifold
cylinder block. Position hardened steel washers or
and thermostat housing sealing rings and place rings in
spacers as needed between alternator or generator and
cylinder heads; position and secure water manifolds to
mounting bracket.
cylinder head.
2. Position and secure assembled thermostat housing to
front section of water manifold and install water
when securing generator or alternator to bracket or
crossover, if used.
adjusting link.
Exhaust Manifold
2. Check capscrew size and torque mounting capscrews
to values in Table 14-6.
1. Assemble sections of exhaust manifold and install
new steel exhaust manifold gaskets. Side of gasket
Table 14-6: Torque Values (To Bracket)
marked "OUT" must be installed outward or next to
Nominal Bolt Size
2. Coat capscrew threads with anti-seize compound. On
Ft-Lb [Kg ml
turbocharged engines, if heat shield is used, install
special capscrews with threaded heads. These
29 to 31
[4.0 to 4.3]
capscrews are used to mount both heat shield and
63 to 65
[8.7 to 9.0]
77 to 80
[10.6 to 11.1]
3. Torque mounting capscrews to 25 ft-lb. [3.5 kg m]
Bend lockplate tangs up against capscrew heads. When
washers or lockplates are not used, increase torque to 40
termination point. Install capscrew and hardened washer
ft-lb. [5.5 kg m] and install heat shield if used.
securing adjusting link to alternator, do not tighten. Install
belt(s), pry unit away from block to tighten belt(s) to
Thermostat Housing By-Pass Connection
operation tension. Torque capscrews to values in Table
Water Pump Mounted Oil Filter Remove by-pass
connection from thermostat housing, insert transfer tube
into oil filter housing. Position and secure by-pass
Table 14-7: Torque Value (To Adjusting Link)
connection to thermostat housing.
Nominal Bolt Size
Install water supply and drain lines to compressor,
Ft-Lb [Kg ml
cylinder block and water by-pass connections. Tighten
just enough to bring brass sleeves snugly against nuts;
15 to 19 [2.1 to 2.6]
this will compress rubber grommets and provide a
25 to 30 [3.5 to 4.1]
positive seal.
50 to 55 [6.9 to 7.6]
Lubricating Oil Cooler/Filter
1. Install water pump to thermostat housing by-pass tube.
Secure with hose clamps.