Note: Flywheel housing must be on engine.
Oil Pan
1. Install guide studs in oil pan flange of block.
With Body-Fit Bolts
2. Shellac new oil pan gasket to oil pan flange of block.
1. Two oil pan capscrew holes at flywheel end of block
3. Position oil pan over guide studs and start oil pan
are reamed for body-fit bolts. If not previously installed,
install bolts in block.
4. Install and tighten middle buttress to flywheel housing
capscrews with washers on both sides of oil pan. This
2. Shellac new oil pan gasket to cylinder block.
pulls pan tight and square with flywheel housing.
5. Lock pan in position by tightening two (2) center
a. When using new "tab-lock" gasket; paint oil pan flange
capscrews on each side of block.
with a non-hardening gasket compound. Allow gasket
6. Loosen and remove buttress capscrews assembled
compound to dry. Start at either end of oil pan, lay gasket
and tightened in Step 4. (Capscrews must be removed to
sections on oil pan flange. Proper assembly is assured
provide socket clearance to buttress corner capscrews.)
by matching letters located on end of each gasket
7.. Tighten two (2) rear corner pan flange to block
capscrews. This pulls the block and pan flanges together
and ensures that pan is pulled firmly into corner by
b. Insert several capscrews through gasket and oil pan
housing and block. Remove guide studs.
flange capscrew holes to line up. When gasket sealing
8. Insert and tighten all capscrews from 28 to 40 ft-lb.
compound dries, remove guide capscrews.
9. Insert pan to rear cover plate flatwashers, lockwashers
3. Check oil pan screen to make certain that it is properly
and capscrews; tighten to 15 to 20 ft-lb. [2.1 to 2.8 kg m]
assembled and that all screws are tight.
4. Assemble pan to block with nuts, lockwashers and
Oil Suction Tube
capscrews. On aluminum oil pans, install flat steel
washers between pan and lockwashers.
1. Assemble tube nuts and rubber sleeves lubricated with
clean engine lubricating oil, to suction tube. Start nuts on
5. If new pan is being installed prior to installing
oil pump adapter and oil pan flange, do not tighten.
flywheel housing:
2. Position oil pan flange with new gasket to oil pan. Do
a. Position so buttress-end of pan is flush with end of
not tighten capscrews.
block. Check with straight-edge. Fig. 14-16.
3. Push tube and sleeve into oil pump adapter until it
bottoms and tighten nut 1 to 1-1/4 turn from finger tight.
b. Ream holes to next oversize and install oversize body-
4. Tighten tube nut on oil pan suction flange finger tight.
fit bolts.
Torque suction flange to oil pan capscrews to 30 to 35 ft-
lb. (4.1 to 4.8 kg m]. Tighten tube nut against stop on
suction flange.
Crankshaft Flange And Vibration Damper
Each time the crankshaft flange or pulley is removed or
replaced, it must be lapped to the crankshaft to provide
maximum contact area between mating parts.
1. Insure that all mating surfaces are free of burrs, nicks
Fig. 14-16, (N114136). Checking oil pan to block
and fretting. Do not attempt lapping until all Imperfections
have been removed.
2. Inspect flange with a magnetic particle process for
Less Body-Fit Bolts
Oil pan currently used on 80 deg. tilt engines have
bosses drilled to accommodate oil gauge and filler
bracket, alternator mounting bracket and' lifting eyes.
Brackets, lifting eyes and spacers, as used, should be