4. Attach dial indicator gauge to block, Fig. 14-4, check
Cylinder Heads
the camshaft to crankshaft gear backlash. Rotate gear
1. Plug breather hole on turbocharged engine heads with
as far as it will move, zero the gauge. Rotate gear in
1/8 inch [3.18 mm] pipe plug. Breather hole is located at
opposite direction and read dial.
top of head above intake air port.
5. Normal backlash is 0.0045 to 0.0105 inch [0.114 to
2. Install gasket over dowels so word "TOP" on gasket is
0.267 mm] on a new gear, with a minimum of 0.002 inch
visible. Use gasket with standard (white) grommets
[0.05 mm].
(0.097 to 0.103 inch [3.8 to 4.1 mm] thick) if water holes
6. Gears will rattle if backlash exceeds 0.010 inch [0.25
are free of erosion. Use service (black) grommets (0.107
mm]. If noise is not objectionable, do not replace gears
to 0.113 inch [4.2 to 4.4 mm] thick) if there is evidence of
unless backlash exceeds 0.020 inch [0.51 mm] .
erosion. No grommet retainers are required.
3. Insert two guide studs in block and lower head into
place on block.
Note: All turbocharged engines must use cylinder head
capscrews that have letters NT forged on head. Do not
4. Lubricate entire cylinder head capscrew with rust
from capscrew before installation.
higher sulfated ash content must be used.
5. Install washers and capscrews. Torque capscrews to
25 ft-lbs [3.5 kg ml in sequence shown in Fig. 145.
Continue torquing in increments of 80 to 100 ft-lbs [11.1
to 13.8 kg m] to final torque of 280 to 300 ft-lbs [38.7 to
41.5 kgm] .
Fig. 14-3, (N114167). Timing marks on camshaft and
crankshaft gear
Fig. 14-5,(N11427). Cylinder head torquing sequence
Fuel Cross-Over
Install "0" rings in end of each cylinder head and
cross-over, secure cross-over with springtite screws.
Tighten with torque wrench and screwdriver adapter to
34 to 38 inch-lbs [0.4 to 0.5 kg m .
Fig. 14-4, (N11424). Checking gear backlash
Lubricating Oil Pipes
Coat new "O" ring with clean lubricating oil, position "O"
ring in groove in oil pipe, install oil pipes in block.