3. If the steering wheel is removed, it is necessary
steering jacket tube.
to replace the steering wheel nut to prevent the
steering shaft from sliding out of the steering
The replacement operation will require removal of the
jacket tube.
See index for steering wheel
steering wheel, turn signal control, and trailer hand brake
if mounted on steering column. It will not be necessary
4. Remove turn signal control from steering
to remove the entire steering column assembly.
Replacement procedure for the steering jacket tube
bearings follows:
5. Remove trailer brake control if mounted on
steering column.
1. Remove steering wheel. For procedure refer to
6. Disconnect horn wire at the connector.
steering wheel removal in the index.
7. Remove the lower bracket cap, and cover over
universal joint from steering column, refer to Fig.
2. Remove steering column bracket caps and slide
steering jacket tube from steering drive shaft.
8. Remove upper bracket cap and lift steering
Do not break the steering jacket tube locating pin
column from cab. Be careful not to tear the
in the steering column mounting bracket.
rubber boot, or break the steering tube locating
pin in steering column mounting bracket. When
3. Place steering jacket tube in a vise. Use copper
reinstalling steering column the locating pin must
jaw covers or insulate vise with a rag. Take care
align with hole in steering jacket tube.
not to deform the steering jacket tube by
overtightening the vise.
4. Remove bearing using an inside puller SE-1746
(Fig. 7)
Fig . 7 Remove Steering Jacket Tube Bearings Using
Puller SE-1746
Pack new bearings with IH 251 HEP grease or
the equivalent NLGI #2 multipurpose lithium
Fig .
6 Steering Column Removal
6. Install bearings in steering jacket tube. Be
careful to start bearing straight and tap gently to
avoid damage to the bearing or steering jacket
To install the steering column, reverse removal
procedure. Refer to torque chart for correct torque.
7. Slide steering jacket tube over steering drive
shaft and align with locating pin in steering
column mounting bracket. Replace bracket caps
and cover over universal joints, torque to value
shown in chart.
8. Reinstall turn signal control, trailer hand brake
The steering jacket tube bearings are ball
control, steering wheel, and connect horn wiring.
bearings. The outer race of the bearing is long with a lip
to properly locate it in the