TM 5-3805-264-14&PItemIntervalItem ToCheck/Service89Table 4-2. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for M917A1 andM917A1 w/MCS Body (Con’t).Semi-annualLocationSemi-annual10Semi-annualStabilizerProcedureNot Fully MissionCapable If:TailgateRelease AirCylinderLinesWARNINGNEVER work under a raised dumpbody unless it is secured in theraised position with body propsand dump body is EMPTY. Failureto follow this warning may result indeath or injury to personnel.Inspect stabilizer for loose mountingor damage. If damaged, notify DirectSupport Maintenance.WARNINGNEVER work under a raised dumpbody unless it is secured in theraised position with body propsand dump body is EMPTY. Failureto follow this warning may result indeath or injury to personnel.With vehicle air system pressurized.check air lines. fittings, and tailgaterelease air cylinder under dump bodyfor loose mounting, leaks or damage. A solution of detergent (Item 8,Appendix F) and water applied to linesand fittings will help locate leaks.TailgateInspect tailgate locking linkage forLockingbreaks, bends, cracks, corrosion. andLinkageloose mounting.NEVER work under a raised dumpbody unless it is secured in theraised position with body propsand dump body is EMPTY. Failureto follow this warning may result indeath or injury to personnel.4-23
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