TM 5-3805-274-13&P
DA Form
DA Form
DA Form
DA Form
This work package contains field level troubleshooting procedures for detecting, isolating, and correcting
equipment malfunctions and failures on the M917 Dump Truck Body.
Each troubleshooting procedure lists a fault symptom describing a specific problem. Under each symptom is a
list of possible malfunctions in the order of probability that may be the cause of the problem. Finally, a
corrective action is provided for each malfunction followed by a work package or instruction to notify your
supervisor to correct the problem.
Prior to performing any troubleshooting procedure, the following recommendations must be observed.
This manual cannot list all possible malfunctions that may occur,
nor all tests or inspection and corrective actions. If the symptom for
a particular problem or malfunction is not listed in this work
package, notify your supervisor.
1. Check the Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E, and
Maintenance Request Form, DA Form 5504 to find out why the equipment has been dead lined. Note the
operator's written description of the problem and, whenever possible, ask the operator about the problem.
This can save time and effort in diagnosing the malfunction.
2. It is best not to assume the operator's diagnosis is correct, even if it sounds accurate. Always perform the
appropriate troubleshooting procedure(s) to verify the cause of the problem. Performing a corrective
action without proof of a fault wastes time and increases the maintainability of the equipment.
3. Use the approved Field Maintenance tasks provided in this manual and those provided in other
4. If a problem cannot be corrected after performing all corrective actions listed for a given symptom, notify
your supervisor.
5. Fill out and attach an Exchange Tag, DA Form 2402, for any component that will be exchanged as a
core and turned in for repair or rebuilding at the Sustainment Level Maintenance.