1. Raise the front wheels off the floor and support
the axle at outer ends so it cannot rock.
3. Apply brake. Use pedal jack to hold brake
application and lock front wheels.
4. Install camber gauge and measure camber while
rocking the wheel at top and bottom.
5. If the camber changes 1/40 or more, replace the
king pin bushings (and king pin, if needed).
Check fit of king pin in "I" beam. Pin must be
tight. No looseness is permissible.
Fig. 9
Never replace king pins or king pin bushings
which are within limits shown in specifications.
In most instances the lower seals will be
discarded when a new repair kit is being installed on an
To install bronze bushings, proceed as follows:
old axle. When checking the clearance between the
upper face of the axle end and lower face of upper
1. Remove present bushing from knuckle.
steering knuckle pin boss and if this clearance exceeds
.015" washers and shims are available in various
2. Remove any nicks or burrs from knuckle bore
thickness to take up this clearance. However, if the
and polish with medium grit abrasive.
stack-up of shims is in excess of .047", these shims can
be removed and the new lower seal installed and still
3. Using an arbor press or bushing installing tool,
hold the clearance within the desired .015" tolerance.
press new bronze bushings into place in
IMPORTANT: Since some late production: front
axles employ lip type seals in the axle king pin bore to
retain lubricant and prevent the entrance of dirt and
water, observe the following.
The upper seal can be installed in all upper
knuckle king pin bosses (both old and new style axles).
NOTE: In Fig. 9 the upper knuckle bushings must be
installed in such a manner as to permit installation of the
new upper seal. When replacing the bushings the upper
bushing should be pressed into the knuckle so that the
upper end of the bushing is 1/4" (.20" to .26") from the
upper face of the knuckle, This 1/4" dimension at the
upper end will assure there is space for installation of the
new upper seal.