A. Remove cross shaft cover capscrews, lock
washers and cover. Attach shim pack, which
controls cross shaft bearing preload, to cover.
This will facilitate preload adjustment when
reassembling drive unit.
B. Cut lock wire from bearing retainer plate cap
screws and remove screws and plate.
E. Position drive unit in press, thrushaft chamber
up, with blocks under gear and press cross shaft
from gear.
C. Insert hard wood block between end of cross
shaft and outer thrushaft chamber wall. Remove
bearing cage and tapered bearings with suitable
puller, using 3/8"16 puller screws in cage flange
tapped holes. Attach shim pack, which controls.
gear backlash to cage.
This will facilitate
adjustment when reassembling drive unit.
D. cross shaft and gear assembly toward thrushaft
chamber in carrier, so semicircular blocks can
be inserted between back of gear and inner
thrushaft chamber wall.
Provide a rigid support on the press bed for the
drive unit during this operation. A sleeve with a 3A" or I"
wall and I.D. approximately the size of the cross shaft
cage O.D. is suitable; or, the drive unit may be
NOTE: Two pieces of %" steel square bar stock,
supported by a horizontal flat plate 10" x 10" x 1" with a
approximately 10" long, bent to form
bored hole about the same size as the cross shaft cage
segments of an 18" diameter circle, will
O.D. Support ' the horizontal plate on heavy vertical
facilitate cross shaft removal
plates of a