Recommended Preventive Maintenance
A. Periodic inspections-25,000 to 30,000 mile intervals or every two months:
1 Check lining wear to determine proper reline time.
2 When automatic adjusters are used, check lining to drum clearance-if clearance is .060" or less,
adjusters are working properly.
3 Check service by cycling respective application valves.
At 100,000 miles or once yearly:
1 remove all wheels and drums.
a Inspect plunger seals.
b If seals are cut, torn, or leaking-disassemble and overhaul brake actuating components.
c If seals are in good condition, remove upper adjusting plunger and its seal and check internal
d If grease is contaminated or hardened, or if parts are dry-disassemble and overhaul brake actu-
ating components.
e If internal condition is satisfactory, reassemble adjusting plunger and replace seal and run until
next inspection.
At each brake reline:
1 If reline period is 100,000 miles or greater - disassemble and overhaul all brake actuating com-
ponents. NOTE: Do not use combination linings.
2 If reline period is appreciably less than 100,000 miles:
a Remove adjusting plungers and related parts.
b Clean and regrease adjusting bolt and sleeve (or plunger).
c Check internal condition-if satisfactory reassemble-if unsatisfactory overhaul entire actuat-
ing system.