The efficiency of any maintenance program can only be
judged on the basis of the failures prevented or
6. Check to make sure element and seals are in place
intercepted before the engine or unit is damaged.
and install new element over spring support
7. Position new seal ring on filter head; install new
With Center Bolts)
element in filter case. Position to filter head and
tighten center capscrew to 25 to 35 ft-lbs [34 to 47 N.
1. Remove drain plug from filter can and allow oil to
m]. Tighten clamp-type filter capscrew securely.
drain. Replace drain plug.
Caution: Make sure to fit new seal ring to filter can
2. Loosen center bolt and remove filter can and filter
as design requires or seal may become distorted or
element. See Fig's. 2-4
To change Cummins Fleetguard by-pass filter elements:
Note: By-pass filters may be mounted either vertically,
horizontally or inverted; all are serviced in like manner.
1. Remove drain plug
from bottom of housing
and drain oil,
2. Remove clamping ring capscrew and lift off cover.
lift out element (4) and hold-down assembly.
Discard element.
4. Clean housing and hold-down assembly in solvent.
5. Inspect hold-down assembly spring and seal.
Replace if damaged.
Fig. 2-4, (N10098) Lubricating oil filter (center bolt)
6. Inspect drain plug and connections. Replace if
3. Inspect filter element then discard.
7. On the Cummins Fleetguard by-pass filter, check
orifice plug
inside oil outlet connection or
a. Inspect for metal particles.
standpipe; blow out with air jet to make sure orifice is
b. Inspect outside wrapper of element for wrinkles
open and clean.
and pleats for waviness or bunching. Presence of these
8. Check filter cover "O" ring . Replace if damaged or
conditions indicates that oil contains moisture.
c. If element is relatively clean, it may be possible
9. Install new element in housing.
to lengthen change periods.
10. Replace upper support hold-down assembly in filter
d. If element is clogged, the change period should
and tighten down to stop.
be shortened, Oil pressure drop reading across filter is
11. Position "O" ring seal on housing flange.
the best way to determine change periods.
12. Install cover and clamping ring; tighten capscrews
e. Discard element after inspection.
until clamping lugs are indexed.
4. Remove seal ring from filter head and discard.
13. Fill engine to "H" (high level) mark on dipstick with
Caution: Two or more seal rings attached to filter
lubricating oil.
head will cause leakage, permitting unfiltered oil to
14. Add enough extra oil to crankcase to fill case and
enter by-pass element.
element. Run engine check for leaks.
15. Recheck engine oil level; add oil as necessary to
5. Clean filter can thoroughly. Handle can and/or store
bring oil level to "H" mark on dipstick. Always allow
in manner to prevent out-of-round.
oil to drain back to oil pan before checking level.
Note: Every second oil change, change the small seal
Caution: Never use a 'by-pass filter in place of a full-
ring to prevent oil leakage due to hardening of rubber
flow filter.
seal. Inspect seal each oil change. Inspect copper
washer each oil change and replace at engine overhaul
or if damaged or leaking.