Connecting Rod And Piston Assemblies
Note: To avoid dropping plunger, do not turn injector upside-
down. Place injectors in a rack for protection. Number by
1. Turn engine right-side-up and clean all carbon from
cylinder from which removed.
upper inside wall of each cylinder liner and polish with fine
emery cloth. Do not damage liner finish. Clean area
Cylinder Heads
Compression Release Shaft
2. Use care not to damage cylinder liners as connecting
rods are withdrawn. Check each' rod and cap as removed to
Remove shaft lockscrew and copper washer at rear of cylinder
be sure it is stamped or labeled.
Reassemble each
block. Pull shaft through block from lever end.
connecting rod cap to mating rod, tape mating bearing shells
together and label by cylinder.
Note: Do not remove stop pin from cylinder block unless
3. Remove and discard piston rings, remove snap rings.
4. To facilitate removal of piston pins, first heat piston in
Cam Follower Housings
boiling water; then push pin from piston, using finger pressure
or other suitable method. Do not drive or otherwise force pin
Note: Do not discard metal spacer used on some engines.
Gasket(s) total thickness varies to space cam follower
from piston. Remove and discard piston rings.
housings for establishment of injection timing..
Cylinder Liners
Use ST-1201 Liner Puller Bridge and ST-1202 Liner Puller
Assembly with an impact wrench or rachet to remove cylinder
1. Install two (2) 5/8-18 studs in crankshaft flange to
liners. Discard "O" rings and crevice seals.
provide support for flywheel during removal.
2. Install two (2) 1/2-13 capscrews, threaded their entire
length, to act as jackscrew to pull flywheel from crankshaft.
1. Using ST-1178 Main Bearing Cap Puller, loosen main
bearing caps from dowels. Lift caps and rear thrust rings from
Flywheel Housing
block. Make sure all bearing caps are marked so they can be
Oil Pan
installed in their original locations.
2. Remove lower main bearing shells from main bearing
Note: Two bolts through oil pan and cylinder block flange
caps or crankshaft.
at flywheel end of engine may be dowel fit. Remove nuts and
drive out dowel bolts with soft hammer.
3. Remove crankshaft using hooks protected by rubber
hose. Handle crankshaft with care to avoid possible damage
Rear Cover And Seal
to finished surface.
Gear Case Cover
4. Remove upper main bearing shells and ring dowels
If gear case cover is equipped with outboard bearing at
from cylinder block. Tape mating halfs of bearing shells
camshaft, remove from cover. Place two (2) guide studs into
together and identify from position removed.
capscrew holes to Support cover during removal.
Camshaft And Gear
Steam Cleaning
Note: Rotate camshaft while pulling camshaft from engine.
Steam clean all disassembled units and parts (except those
Do not remove gear.
that might be damaged by steam or-moisture) with a steam jet
and dry with compressed air. All units such as oil coolers, oil
pan, heat exchanger, etc. should be cleaned as quickly as
possible to prevent hardening and drying of accumulated
foreign substances.
Glass Bead Cleaning Glass bead cleaning has been proven
most effective for