4. To remove heavy deposits of lime, use circulated acid
type cleaner.
pistons, valves, cylinder heads, etc. The nature and degree
of treatment is controlled by the size of glass beads used,
operating pressure and exposure time.
The use of acid may be extremely dangerous to
1. Bead Size for pistons and other similar parts, use U.S.
workmen and injurious to machinery. Always provide
sieve size No. 70. For general purpose cleaning use No. 60.
a tank of strong soda water as a neutralizing agent.
2. Operating Pressure 90 psi [5.4 kg/sq cm] for pistons
etc. for general cleaning, pressures from 90 to 125 psi [5.4 to
8.8 kg/sq cm] may be used.
5. Rinse all parts in hot water and dry with compressed
air, blow cleaning fluid or water from capscrew holes to
3. Do not expose the part being cleaned to the bead blast
prevent damage when capscrews are tightened.
any longer than absolutely necessary. This is particularly true
when cleaning soft material such as aluminum.
6. Replace pipe plugs removed for cleaning, torque to
specifications. Note: If rebuild machining is required, replace
4. The only additional cleaning required is to wash with
pipe plugs and reclean affected area after machining is
solvent and dry with compressed air. Be sure all foreign
material has been removed from parts before reassembling.
7. If parts are not to be reused immediately after
Solvent/Acid Cleaning
cleaning, dip them in a suitable rust proofing compound.
Several solvent and acid type cleaners are effective cleaning
solutions, always follow manufacturers recommendations as to
Note: Rust proofing compound must be removed before
concentration and use.
installing parts in engine.
Solvent cleaners may damage bearing shells and
aluminum parts, check with manufacturer before
cleaning these parts in solvent.
Remove all gasket material and deposits of sludge,
carbon, etc., with a wire brush or scraper, from units
such as cylinder heads, oil pan, rocker lever housing
and cover etc before submerging them in wash tank.
Do not damage gasket surfaces
1. Solvent solution should be heated to approximately
180 to 200 deg. F (82 to 93 deg. C) and kept in constant
accomplished by built-in baffle plates.
2. After unit disassembly, put all small parts in wire mesh
baskets, steam clean, then immerse in cleaning tank for as
long as necessary. Larger parts can be lowered directly by
chain hoist into tank.
3. Cylinder block must have all pipe plugs removed from
oil and water passages, etc. Run rods with brushes or swabs
through all oil passages, clean air vent hole (No. 1 cylinder)
that opens into water pump cavity. Scrape liner counterbore
lightly to remove scale, sand lower liner bore or use emery
cloth to remove any nicks or burrs that might damage packing
rings as liner is installed.