Replace spring if worn beyond limits listed in Table 5- 1-2.
Check 1: Governor Spring incorrect due either to wear or
incorrect Governor Spring.
Replace with new parts as necessary.
Check 2: Loosen or broken weights. Broken weld, weight pins
Governor weights, of the correct weight, should be installed
or carrier.
(heavy or shaved).
Governor weights incorrect for that specific pump.
Refit the governor plunger to the Barrel. This usually
Check 3: Governor plunger improper fit in governor Barrel.
requires a plunger one or two classes larger than previously
used and must be lapped to fit with No. 80 fine grit lapping
compound. Remove ail lapping compound after use.
Replace drive tangs on plunger assembly.
Sheared governor plunger drive tangs.
Line up the fuel passages as not to restrict fuel flow. This may
Check 4: Governor Barrel not located in housing correctly,
be done by heating housing in oven at 300 deg. F (149 deg. C)
preventing fuel passages from lining up.
and removing Barrel and then reinstalling in housing.
Make sure fuel passages are lined up and install pin into
governor barrel.
Governor barrel not pinned in to position.
Lock ring must be in groove to correctly adjust governor.
Check 5: Spring pack lock ring out of position.
Gasket should be replaced or relocated. Correct gasket must
be used.
Check 6: Gasket leakage between fuel pump housing and
gear pump.
Install next size larger throttle shaft, if neccessary. Fit to bore
Check 1: Throttle shaft scored or incorrect fit in throttle
must be free without sticking tendency when rotating or
moving in or out of bore by hand. If oversize shaft does not
correct leakage, send housing to rebuild center.
Check 2: Governor plunger incorrect fit in governor barrel.
Install next size larger plunger. Fit to bore must be free with
out sticking tendency when rotating or moving in or out of the
bore by hand.
Install next size larger plunger or remove shims between snap
Check 3: Leakage past MVS plunger if MVS is used.
ring and governor housing.