TM 5-3805-274-13&P
Field Maintenance PMCS is performed at quarterly intervals or 250 hours of operation, to ensure the
equipment is fully operational and ready at all times. Maintaining the M917 Dump Truck requires inspection
on a regular basis so minor damage or faults can be discovered and corrected. Performing Field Maintenance
PMCS is essential to the reliability and expected longevity of the equipment. Failing to correct a minor
problem may result in major damage or a complete failure of the equipment which could compromise the
mission or result in injury to personnel.
Any effective preventive maintenance program must begin with the training of operators to report equipment
problems to field maintenance as noted during daily operator PMCS. This information will be recorded by the
operator on DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet. The
Maintainer will use this information during maintenance inspections to verify and correct the problem. The
corrective action taken is recorded on DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E by the maintainer.
Maintainer will perform operator and field PMCS as follows:
1. A schedule for field preventive maintenance inspection and service should be established immediately
after receiving the M917 Dump Truck.
2. When operating under unusual conditions such as dusty or sandy environment, it may be necessary to
increase the interval from quarterly to monthly or even weekly, if conditions are extreme.
3. If the equipment is operated for the first time or has not been operated for a three month period, perform
quarterly PMCS inspection using the operator PMCS table. Refer to WP 0019.
4. If the equipment has been operated for three months or 250 hours of operation (whichever comes first),
perform quarterly PMCS inspection following operator PMCS table. Refer to WP 0019.
5. Observe all warnings, cautions, and notes when performing PMCS.
6. Always perform PMCS in the same order as written.
7. At any PMCS interval, if the item to be inspected is found to be not ready or available, that item must be
corrected by troubleshooting and making the necessary repair.
8. Ensure Field PMCS for the M917 Dump Truck is performed during each M917 Dump Truck inspection.
9. Whenever the equipment is found to be not ready or available and the problem could not be resolved at
the operator level, refer to DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E, for the operator's description of the
The purpose of the PMCS table is to provide a systematic method of inspection and servicing of equipment. In
this way, small defects can be detected early and corrected before they become a major problem causing the
equipment to fail. The PMCS table is arranged with the individual PMCS procedures listed in sequence under
assigned intervals. The most logical time (before, during, and after operation) to perform each procedure
determines the interval to which it is assigned. Make a habit of performing the checks in the same order each
time; anything wrong will be seen quickly. Refer to WP 0019 for Operator PMCS.
The following is a list and description of the column headings in the PMCS table.
1. Item Number This column shows the sequence in which the checks and services are to be performed
and is used to identify the equipment area on the Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet,
DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E.
2. Interval This column indicates when each check is to be performed.
3. Item To Be Checked or Serviced This column identifies the item and location to be checked by part,
component, or assembly name.
4. Procedure This column explains what type of service, specific damage, or defect is to be checked.
5. Equipment Not Ready/Available If This column lists conditions that make the equipment unavailable
for use as a result of damage, missing parts, or improper functioning that would present a safety hazard.
Do not accept or operate equipment with a condition noted in this column.