These air cleaners are equipped with an evacuator
valve as shown in Fig. 2, item 6.
Air must be clean if engine is to de-liver proper
performance throughout its life span. Dirty air introduced
The vacuator valve should be inspected at regular
into the engine may ruin the carefully engineered close
intervals to be sure the valve is not plugged due to the
tolerance of the engine.
presence of lint, chaff, etc. which may collect in the
valve. The vacuator valve can easily be removed and
engine; and if not kept clean, the supply of air will
become restricted. This will cause loss of power,
sluggish performance and poor gas mile age.
Do not allow dust level in cup to build up to within "
of slot (cutaway lip on baffle flange) in the cup baffle.
Dry Type Air Cleaner
The dry type air intake filter, Fig. 1) em ploys a dry
type paper element which is sealed at the outlet end so
that all air drawn into the engine must enter through the
element. There is no oil used in this unit, hence, the
reference to "dry type." The direction of air flow in this
filter is from the outside to the inside of element,
permitting excess foreign particles to fall free from the
outside of the element during road operations. This
action prolongs the service period of the filter.
Dry Type Air Cleaners
Heavy-duty: Shown in Figure 2
Loosen clamps and remove dust cap, wipe out dust and
clean gasket. Do not use solvents, gasoline or oil to
clean cup. Daily inspection of the air cleaner dust cup
should be made if dusty conditions warrant. Do not allow
dust deposits to build up past 2" level in cup.
Do not strike the bottom rim of the cartridge against
any hard surface. Damage could result to the rim and
affect the sealing at reassembly.
Fig. 1 Dry Type Air Cleaner
The dry type filter element can be washed with a
nonsudsing household detergent. Use warm water
Excessive smoke or loss of power are good
(120-140F). Flush filter with gentle stream until drain
indications that the filter element should be re-placed or
water is clean. Air dry filter before using. Also inspect
cleaned. Clean or replace every 5, 000 to 25, 000 miles
after every cleaning for damage or rupture. Re-place
or every 150 to 750 hours depending upon dust
filter every 10, 000 to 20, 000 miles depending on dust
Wipe all internal parts clean before
reassembly. Replace gaskets regularly.
The filter element can be cleaned several times
before replacement is necessary.
cleaning methods for the filter element are: