On late production series
steering gears install a new retaining pin
to proper depth and replace roll pin.
Position a new 0ring seal on housing cover.
Install cover assembly. It may be necessary to
use a soft hammer to tap the cover in place.
Install the bolts and torque to proper
The relief valve plungers with the jam nuts may
now be installed using new O-rings. Turn them
approximately six turns. Final adjustment of the
plungers is made when the steering gear is
installed on the vehicle.
Fig . 35
With this method of retaining the pitman arm on the
output shaft, two procedures are used when installing the
If the output shaft is equipped with a 1/2" x 20ONF or
After reinstalling the steering gear on the vehicle
9/16" x 18NF hole, a bolt approximately 4-1/4" long, an
but prior to installing the pitman arm, bleed the air from
adapter (large socket) and flat washer can be assembled
steering system in the following manner:
as shown in Fig. 36. Tighten the bolt to force the pitman
Fill pump reservoir with SAE-10W-30 engine oil.
arm on the shaft. After the 1/2" bolt is tightened to 85 ft.
It will be necessary to continue filling after
lbs. or 9/16" bolt is torqued to 125 ft. lbs., the two
starting the engine and during the bleeding
setscrews are tightened to 15 ft. lbs. and then the jam
operation until correct oil level is maintained.
nut tightened. The 1/2" bolt, adapter and washer are
Set parking brake or block wheels. Start engine
then removed.
and allow it to operate at fast idle speed.
With engine running turn steering wheel from left
If the end of the output shaft is not equipped with either a
to right and return, making three complete cycles
1/2" or 9/16" threaded hole, the pitman arm should be
to remove all air from the steering system.
forced on the output shaft with a hammer.
Stop engine.
The setscrews are then tightened to 12 ft. lbs. If jam
nuts are used, tighten them now.
NOTE: To provide proper alignment of
the pitman arm to the output shaft, an
arrow is stamped on the arm and a dot
(or indentation) is on the output shaft
end. These marks must always be in
alignment when the pitman arm is
installed on the output shaft.
There are two methods of retaining the pitman
arm on the output shaft:
Two setscrews are threaded into the pitman arm
and are tightened into a "V" type groove in the
output shaft. Setscrews are either equipped with
a Nylock insert or jam nut to secure setscrews in
Fig. 36
place, Fig. 35.
NOTE: In either case the shaft may be
from outer face of pitman arm.