5. Tap lower end of injector sleeve, to loosen, turn 60 deg.
to remove. Discard injector sleeve.
ST-1010 Water Hole Counterboring Tool
Counterbore cylinder head water hole for sleeving as follows:
1. Position bushing plate to cylinder head with end stamped
5/8 inch bushing over water hole to be sleeved. Align adapter
handle and locking screw with injector sleeve hole in cylinder
2. Insert ST-1010-13 locating pin through guide hole in
bushing plate and into water hole to be repaired, tighten adapter
knob as tight as possible by hand, remove locating pin. Adjust
depth of cut as follows: a. Loosen setscrew in stop collar with
socket head wrench.
b. Place cylinder head gauge block on top of bushing in
bushing plate, with arc on gauge block aligned with hole in
c. Lower counterbore cutter into bushing, in bushing plate,
until it bottoms on cylinder head.
d. Slide stop collar down until it rests against top of gauge
block, tighten setscrew.
3. Lock drive adapter in drill chuck. Remove gauge block
from below stop collar.
4. Lower drive adapter into top of tool adapter, making sure
slot in drive adapter straddles roll pin in top of tool adapter.
Lubricate bushing inside diameter and bottom of stop collar.
5. With light pressure on drill, cut hole to depth, cutter will
free wheel when stop collar reaches drive bushing. Remove tool
assembly, clean hole thoroughly and install sleeve.