3. Allow parts to soak as needed to remove carbon. A
soft bristle brush may be used, if necessary, to remove
2. Inspect for external cracks. Fig. 10-15.
heavy deposits. Never use wire or other type brushes
with stiff bristles.
Bearing Housing
4. Flush out oil passages in bearing housing from drain
1. Inspect bearing housing for cracks In oil passages
end to remove dirt loosened by soaking.
(inlet and outlet ports), pitting and distortion on turbine
a. Leave parts submerged in solvent for a minimum of
end. Discard, if damaged.
twelve hours and preferable twenty-four hours. Agitate
solvent for maximum cleaning.
2. Using gauges, take reading of sealing ring bores, Fig.
b. After completion of Step "a", pump solvent through
10-16, and floating bearing bores. Discard housino If
passage again to flush out any loose particles.
worn beyond replacement limit given in Specifications.
5. Remove parts from tank. Drain and steam clean
thoroughly to remove all carbon and grease. Apply
3. Measure outside diameter of turbine end of bearing
steam liberally to oil passages in bearing housing.
housing, discard if limits exceed that in specifications.
6. Blow off excess water and dry with moisture-free
compressed air.
4. Inspect bearing housing turbine casing seating area
7. Place parts carefully in clean basket to avoid damage
stop ledge for wear, wire edging and distortion, discard If
and dirt.
damaged and if sharp edges cannot be removed. See
specifications for dimensions.
Caution: Do not use glass bead cleaning methods.
Inspection And Repair
Inspect all parts carefully before assembling. All parts
within specifications can be reused safely for another
service period.
Damage to floating bearing may
necessitate replacement of bearing housing with a new
Turbine Casings
1. Inspect turbine casing mounting flange for cracks, Fig.
10-14, distortion and burning.
Fig. 10-15, T-31 1. Inspecting turbine casing
Fig. 10-14, T-399. Cracks In turbine easing mounting
Fig. 10-16, T-365. Checking sealing ring bore in bearing